How to Save $70 and Whiten Your Teeth With This Fruit

A good tip to prevent teeth discoloration is to drink through a straw. This will reduce your teeth’s exposure to staining liquids.

There are many teeth whitening systems and products, including whitening toothpastes, over-the-counter gels, rinses, strips, trays, and whitening products you get from a dentist.

Teeth whitening can be ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth (no fillings) and gums. Individuals with yellow tones to their teeth respond best. But this cosmetic procedure is not recommended for everyone.

A dental hygienist friend told me that most at-home whiteners contain peroxides, typically carbamide peroxide, in amounts ranging from 10% to 20%.

She recommended that anyone wanting to go that route should consider a product with a peroxide level in the middle of that range. If the product doesn’t bother your mouth but doesn’t give the lightening effect you want, you can choose a higher level. 

Toothpastes remove surface stains because they contain mild abrasives. We prefer an organic and non-toxic toothpaste that is safe for those who use homeopathy (from GreenPasture of course) but that is not for everyone accustomed to “minty fresh flavors” or who actually want fluorides.

From GreenPasture

Whitening gels or strips, with a full course, typically takes two weeks of application, usually applied twice a day. You can buy whitening strips and gels from your pharmacy, dentist, or online for around $14 to $70.

Tray-based tooth whitening systems, purchased either over-the-counter or from a dentist, involve filling a mouth guard-like tray with a gel whitening solution that has a peroxide-bleaching agent.

These are generally worn at least a couple of hours a day to every day during the night for at least a month or more. You can buy tray-based systems from a pharmacy for around $30-$70 or get a custom-fitted tray from a dentist for $150 to $600.

Teeth whitening is not permanent. Those who expose their teeth to foods and beverages that cause staining may see the whiteness start to fade in as little as 1 month.

Age and pregnancy issues

Bleaching is not recommended in children under the age of 16. This is because the pulp chamber, or nerve of the tooth, is enlarged until this age. Teeth whitening under this condition could irritate the pulp or cause it to become sensitive. Teeth whitening is also not recommended in pregnant or lactating women.

How to Save $ Whitening Your Teeth With Fruit

● When you munch on fruits and veggies, it can help “scrub” your teeth. Think about how clean your mouth feels after eating a crisp apple.

● High-calcium foods such as cheese can aid in keeping your teeth white.

A banana can give you a smile that you dream of

Almost everything we eat or drink takes the whiteness out of our teeth, but there is a way to make it better. Banana peels can whiten your teeth easily.

Simply rub the inside of the peel along each row of your teeth for sixty seconds. Then sit for ten minutes.

After you do this, get your toothbrush, but leave it dry. Brush your teeth, and then you are done. Doing this three times a week can lighten your teeth as much as a kit that can cost seventy dollars or more Even better? No harsh chemicals.



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