Happy Birthday, Tim Langston, America’s Fun Lovin’ FB Jail Prisoner

What we have here is no failure to communicate.

Tim Langston, the humorist Cowboy from south San Antonio, Texas, may be the most prolific meme poster to be ‘imprisoned’ by the Deep State censorship of social media.

But this week we celebrate, because Tim is fresh out after 30-days of confinement in Farcebook Jail.

Congratulations to our favorite instigator!

What do you call a prisoner who takes his own mugshot? A cell-fie.

Why do prisoners always go to the gym? So they can lift their sentence.

What do you call a prisoner who tries to escape by digging a tunnel? A con-artist.

How do prisoners communicate with each other? Through cell phones.

What’s the difference between a prisoner and a job applicant? One’s trying to get out, and the other’s trying to get in.

The following memes are examples of the Birthday Cowboy Langston’s actual posts:

Why don’t prisoners use elevators? They’re afraid of getting the shaft.

What do you call a prisoner who takes his own mugshot? A cellfie.

Why did the prisoner keep telling jokes? He was trying to lighten his sentence.

Why was the belt arrested? It held up a pair of pants!


Why was the musician arrested? He got caught in a jam!

Why did the pencil go to jail? Because it was a little sketchy.

Why did the bicycle go to jail? It was two-tired!

Why did the prisoner refuse to play cards? He didn’t want to be dealt with.



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  1. Poor Tom, he wears his badge of honor well. I’ve been there a few times myself. Great memes especially the sheriff and his son from the Smokey movie. Let us hope that WordPress doesn’t go as far left as FB, we are running out of blogging options.

    Liked by 2 people

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