12 Handy Uses For Little Silica Beads

By Dodie Dennis

Recently I noticed Jack had a pill bottle labled “Humidity” with a magic marker. Curious, of course, I twisted the cap off and peaked inside to see an assortment of silica beads (or tiny pillows).

Later, I asked him why he was saving them in a pill bottle, he simply replied with a grin, “To dehumidify things. It’s like a miniature dehumidifier.”

It turns out Jack keeps some in his camera bag and in a small bathroom basket that has his razor, comb, and a few toiletries in. He said it keeps them there “to prevent razor blades from rusting.”

This made me wonder what others kinds of uses they would be good for. Here are at least a dozen handy uses for little silica beads.

🔹Throw a few on your car dash board to fight window fog.

🔹The little bags can dry out a wet cell phone.

🔹Toss in tool box or bag to prevent rust or oxidation.

🔹Toss a few in your large pet food bag to prevent it from getting soggy.

🔹Preserve stored Christmas decorations and ornaments.

🔹Keep some in your linen closets to keep your linens dry.

🔹Keep some in your camera bag to keep your equipment dry.

🔹Throw a few in your photo boxes and albums to prevent photos from aging and warping. Jack protects his autograph collection with them.

🔹Store some in your luggage when traveling to keep moisture out of the bags.

🔹Keep some near your razor, the beads will prevent rust and extend the life of your razor.

🔹Eliminates that old book smell. Just place them in the pages of a book or on your book shelves.

🔹Store some in your pills and vitamins to keep them fresh.

🔹Keep some with your garden seeds so that they will stay dry.

🔹Toss one in your gym bag to help combat that ol’ smell.


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