Critical Race Theory Intent is to Spread Hatred Throughout America

Power grab by the left to systematically dismantle religion and banish God

California Gov. Newsom Banned Private Home Bible Studies

Shortly before he died, Rush Limbaugh talked about the future of America and how it depended on this current battle between the forces of good and evil.


It’s real target is Christianity and the Bible he observed. The far left wants “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) in our schools.

The Biden administration and the “Woke” left are embracing this radical new approach to our culture and life.

In a nutshell, CRT claims that people who are “white” and from “European” backgrounds have succeeded because of their color, and they have oppressed people of color.

Thus, people of color have been wronged and if they fight back in any way–looting, destroying property, rooting–then they are morally right to do so.

“Make no mistake about it, the left’s anti-Christian and anti-Semitic agenda is being ramped up dramatically,” said the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). “And it’s frightening.”

“Think about it,” AMAC told their members. “The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, actually banned private home Bible studies, while OK’ing mass BLM protests and worse…This is a sickening violation of religious freedom.”


Esteemed author David Horowitz, in runaway bestseller, Dark Agenda, writes that the truth may be quite unsettling and has nothing to do with COVID-19 or race.


“But it has everything to do with the power grab by the left to systematically dismantle religion and banish God from the lips, minds, and hearts of the faithful,” AMAC notes. “Remove His holy name from our civil society, even destroying religious symbols and artifacts along the way.”

“The media was so proud of tens of thousands of BLM protesters last year who rampaged through our cities,” they continued. “And yet, in San Francisco the Roman Catholic archdiocese was slapped with a cease-and-desist order saying some churches violated a local ban on large outdoor gatherings.”


“Under Critical Race Theory, the BLM protests are “good” even if they violate public health orders, but if Christians want to meet and pray — that’s bad and evil!”

Oh, but it gets worse …

Then singing and chanting in church was banned.

“To forbid singing in a church is morally reprehensible. That is how we petition Heaven,” said one evangelical minister.

Churches are still oppressed, some barely clinging to life, close to financial ruin.

They may never recover.

“If churches and synagogues are drowning financially, they can’t reach out into the community to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and help those drowning in a sea of debt and despair.”

Unable to attend worship services, people are becoming disconnected and distanced from their faith.

An east Texas minister told me that since COVID restrictions of 2020, churches are having difficulty recovering and getting many of their parishioners to return.

This is the war on Christianity, and this is exactly what the left has dreamed about for decades.

We’ve seen and have been warned about the plan to annihilate religion.

  • Bill Maher shouting “death to religion” on national TV …
  • Monuments in Washington whitewashed of God and
    prayer …
  • Religious crosses confiscated …
  • Lenten ashes on children’s foreheads being scrubbed off at school…
  • Prayer in school being ruled unconstitutional
    overnight …

“This is serious stuff. Our faith and our ability to worship freely is in serious jeopardy,” AMAC warns. “If you’re a person of faith, this directly impacts you, your family, friends, and loved ones — and it’s terrifying. Every day the writing on the wall becomes clearer.”

“Hatred is growing in our nation toward Jews and Christians — being spread like wildfire.”

According to Horowitz, this is religious intolerance fueled by the left for 60 years — a deep-seated animosity inciting vicious hate crimes and gaining momentum fast.

A headline that recently appeared on CBS News:

“U.S. ‘moving into a dangerous phase’ as anti-Semitic incidents surge.”

“This is all part of the plan set in motion decades ago to rid God from public life,” AMAC wrote. “In fact, after a nearly 15-year drop, the Anti-Defamation League found acts of anti-Semitism started spiking in 2016.”

“The most recent numbers show the highest number of anti-Semitic incidents in its recorded history. There were over 2,100 acts of violence — assaults, vandalism, and harassment — against Jews.”

Some of the names mentioned by Horowitz and AMAC include “Obama, Hillary, and the big media pushing this secular agenda…Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Andrew Cuomo, and more. They want a Godless society.”

“They’re totally cool if thousands want to riot in protest against President Trump, breaking all COVID-19 rules. But if you want to go to church or synagogue — with social distancing — they want you arrested!”

“And Horowitz says President Trump, out of office, will actually be a bigger threat — and a bigger target — for the far left,” reports NewsMax. “We must fight back, or our children and generations to come will live in fear of expressing their faith.”

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  1. I have family experiences as follows:

    South Dakota no change in service. Common cup communion through out 2020/2021

    Minnesota. Difficult. Cancelled church services ect…

    Florida. Common cup family services by appointment provided for couple months in 2020. Then by summer 2020 it was mostly back with some ( minority number of members) hesitancy

    Nebraska. No change other than some hand wringing

    I’m sure other extended families will have different stories based on church and location/state

    Interesting that there are a hundred different faces to the reaction…..But one truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The GOOD thing about WORSHIPING God is, (Matthew 18:20
      “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”)
      (God is a Spirit & those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit & in truth! John 4:24)
      The time is coming & may be here soon, that large worship gatherings will be banned BUT Christians will never be denied our worship…… if that’s what we seek!
      “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. New Hampshire has banned CRT in schools. Some churches stayed open, others slowed down. Praying for wide open Holy Spirit revival here, so everyone will wake up.and be on fire. NH Legislature has at last placed some real restrictions on abortion. Maybe my calls and surveys have helped!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Somewhere along the way, some people hate. I’m not sure of the reasons, their early years, or what happened. I have met some people who can’t hear opposing or logical views, just determined to push their agendas, looking for others to go along.

    Liked by 1 person

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