Costume Mistakes of Famous Movies Exposed

Ours is a family of movie buffs dating back to the 1950s when my parents were dating.

Teens in the Harlandale district on the southside of San Antonio frequented the Roxie, the Trail, the Mission and Loop 13 drive-in theaters.

Families also enjoyed movies at downtown venues such as the Texas, Majestic, the Joy, the Aztec and Empire theaters.

After my sister and I were born, it became a family ritual to visit either the Trail or Mission theaters weekly. Finally, in the early sixties, the area had our own indoor multiplex, Century South 6. This expanded our ability to see more movies with six theaters showing all day and into the night despite weather conditions. Our Mother took us to see “Cleopatra,” starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton at its grand opening.

In high school, I had my own 8mm camera and shot not only family events, but made over 80 mini-movies with friends and classmates.

My oldest son, Mark earned his degree in Film and Motion Picture Production from the University of Texas. He’s now a Hollywood movie writer and director. (Check out ‘Time Trap’ on Netflix and ‘Strings‘ is available on Amazon).

For many, favorite old movies have etched their mark in our minds and they can never be replaced. Wardrobe malfunctions are one of the things that every actress or actor suffers at least once in their lifetime. It is either in their public appearances or because of some role in the movie. Here are some of the costume mistakes that the yesteryear actors had in the movies.


Though the kilt is related to Scotland, they didn’t wear in the 13th and 14th centuries when William Wallace fought against the British for Scottish independence.

Of course, Mel Gibson didn’t let historical details get in the way of an epic action flick!Braveheart was nominated at the 68th Academy Awards and won five: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Makeup, and Best Sound Editing.


The film takes place over 1,500 years ago in ancient Rome. Here the costume of main actor Russel Crowe’s Lycra shorts is clearly visible when he falls to the ground during the last fight scene.

Lycra was not invented until 1958, but it’s the best that Crowe wore the shorts!

Dirty Dancing

In this whole film, Baby can be seen sporting a cute pair of denim shorts that were popular in the 1980s. Too bad the film was set in the 60s!

Elizabeth I

Character Helen Mirren ’s frequently wears a neck ruff in this film, which was fashionable in Tudor England. The problem is that they were worn with shirts which went all the way up the neck, while Mirren wears no such garment.

The Ten Commandments

Anne Baxter’s turn as ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti in this Hollywood epic has become iconic. Her, aqua-blue silk dress is no small part of it.

During that time the problems were ancient Egypt depicted in the film, no natural dye would have been able to produce that particular shade of blue.


Though the mistake is onscreen that it’s easy to miss, during the Civil War film an arm briefly comes into frame, and on its wrist is a digital watch!

Technology wouldn’t exist until over 100 years after the time in which the story takes place.


The minor error is also captured, but in this, Gene Hackman’s character Little Bill Daggett has worn a belt on his pants, they wouldn’t become common outside of sportswear until the 1920s.

D’Jango Unchained

They look totally awesome, D’Jango’s gold-rimmed sunglasses are a little outdated. While sunglasses were around the time in which the film is set, this particular style of black-shaded lenses is a 20th-century invention.


  1. Thank you, truly enjoyed. Loved your history. My Aunt attended Harlandale. You must be very proud of your sons accomplishments. You gave him direction!

    Liked by 2 people

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