Updated Research Finally Proves Extreme Dangers of COVID Vaccines

Confirmed: Myocarditis Risk Higher After Jabs

There is no longer a mystery why so many athletes have been falling over dead or with serious health injuries since 2020.

According to International Olympic Committee data, from 1966 until the Covid jabs existed, an average of 29 athletes under the age of 35 suffered “sudden death” per year.

After COVID bioweapon jabs were introduced, after the first year, from March 2021 through March 2022, 769 athletes died or suffered cardiac arrest. To this day, the count rises dramatically in those who were “vaccinated” for COVID.

Last Tuesday, Illinois Congressional Rep. Mary Miller (R) grilled Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra over the increase in myocarditis as a reported side effect of mRNA COVID vaccines.

“How did the risk of myocarditis and health complications from the second dose of the mRNA vaccine compare to the risk of serious complications from COVID in young men and teenage boys?” Miller asked. “How did that compare?”

“I’d like everybody to notice the alarming red line, that is the increase in myocarditis among young men and teenage boys after they received the COVID vaccine, and I’d like to know why the Biden administration continues to push this on our young men and teenage boys, and even pregnant women and babies to receive this vaccine,” Miller continued. “But especially our young men and teenage boys who we can see are at increased risk for myocarditis.”

Rep. Mary Miller

“I’d just like to say that you don’t follow the science,” Miller added. “You ignore medical evidence and you’re pushing a political narrative, an agenda by pushing puberty blockers and chemical castration on children, and pushing a second dose of the COVID mRNA vaccine on young boys when you knew it was causing myocarditis.”

Florida’s State Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo issued a warning in regarding COVID-19 vaccines, citing a reported increase in deaths due to cardiac issues among men between the ages of 18 and 39.

On May 5, 2023, a 2022 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report was finally revealed that concluded a second dose of COVID vaccine appears to promote a severe inflammatory response in these teens, setting off a cascade of events that causes myocarditis.

Yale researchers analyzed blood samples taken from 23 males between the ages of 13 and 21 who developed myocarditis within one to four days after their second dose.

Their symptoms included chest pain, palpitations, fever, shortness of breath, headaches, muscle pain, sweating, fatigue, nausea and congestion.

The researchers found that in these teens and young men, the second dose of vaccine produced a powerful release of cytokines — chemicals that activate immune cells to go on the attack.

Last week, in Hamburg, Germany, the law firm Rogert & Ulbrich filed a lawsuit against BioNTech, which co-developed its vaccine with Pfizer and holds the marketing rights in Germany for the shot.

They are being sued for some $161,500 in damages for bodily harm, including upper-body pain, swollen extremities, fatigue and sleeping disorder, as well as compensation for unspecified material damages.

Rogert & Ulbrich has also filed some 250 cases for clients seeking damages from COVID-19 vaccines, and another law firm, Caesar-Preller, said it is representing 100 cases.

Several similar cases have been filed in Italy.

Various devastating results from most recent studies in the US, Canada and Europe has annihilated Anthony Fauci’s and other false claims regarding the extreme dangers of COVID bioweapon jabs.

Several major studies confirmed that the risk of autoimmune heart disease is higher in people who are vaccinated for Covid.

This information is so shattering that the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology now advise that people with myocarditis should refrain from competitive sports for three to six months.

Sufferers should only resume strenuous exercise after normal ECG and other test results are obtained, the groups warn.

The study also notes that the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccines” has increased across multiple age and sex strata.

The risks are even higher after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.

One study found that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA Covid vaccination is around far greater than the background risk in the population.

Researchers examined the effects of vaccination with products manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

•Covid shots increase the risk of suffering myocarditis.

•The results showed that the Pfizer-BioNTech product was most associated with higher risk.

The results are very likely more dangerous than believed, because this study’s data was obtained from the CDC’s VAERS reporting system.

Even the researchers conclude, that given the passive nature of the VAERS system, the number of reported incidents is likely to be an underestimate of the extent of the phenomenon.

The data was also cross-checked to ensure the results complied with the CDC’s definition of myocarditis.

Among the reported symptoms were:

  • chest pain, pressure, or discomfort (89%)
  • shortness of breath (30%)
  • abnormal ECG results (72%)
  • abnormal cardiac MRI findings (72%).

Young Males Are Particularly in More Danger

Researchers noted that 82 percent of cases were in males, consistent with previous studies.

•The 18 to 24 male age group experiences significantly higher rates of myocarditis for both Pfizer’s (52.4 cases per million) and Moderna’s (56.3 cases per million) products.

•The Pfizer jabs caused 105.9 cases per million doses after the second vaccine shot in the 16 to 17 age group for males.

•In the 12 to 15 age group for males, 70.7 cases per million doses were recorded after the second shot.

•The study found that the median time to symptom onset was just two days.

South Korea study matches other countries

Researchers studying South Korea’s national reporting system found that among roughly 44 million residents 12 and older who received at least one vaccine dose through December 2021, males 12-29 had the highest vaccine-related myocarditis rates.

Severe cases formed a surprisingly high proportion of VRM cases (19.8%), Chonnam National University Medical School faculty and COVID vaccine adverse events investigators for the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency wrote in the European Society of Cardiology’s journal. 

Among severe cases, nine-in-10 included ICU admission, three-in-eight fulminant myocarditis that is marked by “severe and sudden onset” and high mortality rate, and 22% each death and “extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy.”

Tinnitus linked to jabs

As of June 17, 2023, over 16,200 people have filed complaints with the CDC that they’d developed tinnitus, or ringing in their ears, after receiving a Covid vaccine.

Note: tinnitus has been described as a phantom noise in a person’s ear, meaning that no one else can hear what the patient is hearing.

Shaowen Bao, an associate professor in the physiology department of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona, Tucson, studied 398 people who developed tinnitus after getting a Covid jab.

The vaccination is no longer considered a reliable way in which to avoid infection from the “Fauci Virus.”

For now, likely for the benefit of corporate media, Big Pharma, and the Biden Administration, they are still not admitting whether this has any specific relevance to the cost-benefit analysis of Covid vaccinations.



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  1. I don’t know whether to scream, weep or go catatonic. All the lives, all the frustration of trying to tell people, and finally they come out with this. Like they didn’t know. The shock to people will be terrible, because it will leak down, and they’ll see.

    Liked by 4 people

    • All the senseless loss of our young people, including professional athletes in near perfect health and at the top of their game makes me nauseous, cry and want to scream out loud.
      These so-called Medical Professionals, some of our own ‘Doctors’, have no conscience, no soul and couldn’t care less that these death jabs are killing their own patients. And what is their motivation? Money, power/influence/control, and hubris. Their only concern is the end result: Depopulation of the planet. These maniacs have to be stopped and held accountable before any more innocent lives are lost. Enough already!

      Liked by 4 people

  2. I reposted this on Nextdoor and it was hidden due to “misinformation” guidelines. Someone reported it. They questioned the 13,200% increase (which also struck me as suspect) and that they could not find the studies you mentioned. Just for your information.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. A person I know, just retiring, had planned to be with her friend this summer, the very first summer for my friend after retiring. They planned to spend the summer doing things together, swimming, and the like (apparently her friend has an In-Ground Pool). These two women have been friends for years. The one with the pool has a husband with a chronic disease, and no one was allowed at the house without being Fully Vaccinated and Boosted.

    Sleeping in one morning, the husband went to wake his wife, but she was deceased. The wife had no known health issues, had apparently woken during the night, been in the bathroom, and left things uncharacteristically in disarray. I have little doubt this woman had a heart attack, she probably felt it was indigestion, and she struggled with facing the facts, had she woke her husband and gotten prompt care, she may still be alive.

    I’m still at a loss on whether or not it’s safe to be around vaccinated people. This recent death, described above, was just weeks ago. Are those that were vaccinated still producing Spike Proteins, I’d like to read more on the topic, but have not found a balanced source as of yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I know a 45 year old that was a skinny man with no health problems who died of a sudden heart attack one night while with his wife. 2 weeks before the first shot rolled out for his company. Another 62 year old friend who was quite a chill person, was double vaxxed and in Feb 22 he had a sudden heart attack. His wife found him dead in bed.

    Liked by 1 person

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