Democrats Switching to Republican Across US in Unprecedented Numbers

Since Jan. 3, Republicans have added around 20,000 active voters, according to the Utah Elections Office. During that same time, Democrats have lost around 8,000 active voters and the number of unaffiliated voters has dropped by nearly 12,000.

This looks to be a heavy trend nationally. It appears the ONLY way Democrats could come close to winning many of their 2022 races is by considerable cheating.

John Lee, the North Las Vegas Democrat mayor announced last week that he’s running for re-election as a Republican because the Democrats have an “anti-American” agenda.

“The party moved past me. In fact, Democrats are now leaving that party in droves because of the socialist agenda that has taken place in the Democratic Party,” Lee announced. “They’re totally anti-American. There was nowhere for people who thought and felt like I did about the virtues and values and morals of being a good American. It was time to leave. They have destroyed the Democratic Party now.”

“They had an election recently for leadership, and four of the five people were card-carrying members of the Socialist Party. It’s not the party that I grew up with 25 years ago in this environment, and it’s not the party I can stand with anymore,” he continued.

“The working class, or working men and women of this country, and also the small business owners are not a part of the conversation anymore. It all has to do with the elitists and it has to do with the socialists. That is not the agenda that I have in mind for this country of the future,” he said.

“When you’re a pro-life Democrat, a pro-gun Democrat, and you’re a very conservative person, that’s not really well known in the Democratic Party anymore,” he added. “And so for me to hang on as long as I did, hoping the party would change, it didn’t, it got worse.”

This is bad news to Democrats because in December 2021, data from Nevada’s secretary of state indicated 2.5 times more voters switched from Democrat to Republican than the reverse that month.

From January 1, 2020 through May of that year, Nevada saw over 6,500 former Democrats switch to Republican.

🔹Since January 2022, over 21,000 Massachusetts Democrats switched as registered new Republicans.

🔹Harriet Holman, a popular Black Democratic council member in Dorchester County, South Carolina, announced recently they will be running for reelection as a Republican.

🔹In just one county alone, local news are reporting over “1,000 blue-collar Democrats in Ohio’s Mahoning County have switched to being Republicans” since the first of the year.

🔹In March 2022, Nebraska’s Democratic party lost 1,787 voters and the Republican party gained 1,985 voters.

As of May 10, 6,440 more Nebraskans were registered as Republicans in May than there was in April. The Democrats saw a loss of 3,841 in one month.


Hispanics Trending to GOP

🔹In December, a Wall Street Journal poll shocked the Democrats when learning that Hispanic voters are now split between Republicans and Democrats on the generic ballot at 37%. A further 22% responded that they were undecided.

🔹Texas Democrats were stunned last year with Republican gains in Hispanic-heavy communities throughout the state. In the border city of McAllen, the GOP celebrated Javier Villalobos’ mayoral victory in a region that has historically voted for Democrats. 

🔹In November 2021, Texas House of Representatives member Henry Grover switched from Democrat to Republican.

🔹Also, in November 2021, Texas House of Representatives member Ryan Guillen switched from Democrat to Republican.

“Friends, something is happening in South Texas, and many of us are waking up to the fact that the values of those in Washington, D.C., are not our values, not the values of most Texans,” Guillen said.

“During the 2020 election, we saw certain districts in South Texas as having a promising future for the GOP as we began to see a lot of Mexican-Americans, as well as in other states with Cuban-Americans and Colombian-Americans,” Macarena Martinez, the Republican National Committee’s Texas communications director, said. 

“But here in Texas, we saw a huge shift to the GOP during President Trump’s second presidential election, given his stance on immigration, given his stance on the border wall, backing the blue, supporting law and order,” she continued, also noting the number of people employed by oil and gas companies in South Texas turned away from Biden’s energy policies.

Historical Trend

🔹Oct. 2020, Louisiana Lt. Governor Angie Angelle switched from Democrat to Republican.

🔹In Jan. 2020, New Jersey representative Jeff Van Drew switched from Democrat to Republican.

🔹March 2018, Steve Lebsock of Colorado House of Representatives switched from Democrat to Republican.

🔹In 2017, Governor of West Virginia Jim Justice switched from Democrat to Republican. He had previously been a Republican prior to 2015.

🔹January 2017, West Virginia House of Delegates Rupie Phillips moved from Democrat to Republican.

🔹By May 2016, the election year of Donald J. Trump versus Hillary Clinton, over 57,000 Democrats in Pennsylvania moved to the Republican party. Over 25,000 Independents registered as Republicans.

Since 1994, there has been 76 state lawmakers who switched from Democrat to Republican. State senators: 22, State representatives: 54.

This compares to only 21 state lawmakers who switched to Democrat. State senators: 6, State representatives: 15.

As of May 2022, Mississippi has had an increase of 15 Republicans; Georgia has had an increase of 13 Republicans. Louisiana has had an increase of 12 Republicans; Alabama GOP has 6; M has 5; Texas has 5; West Virginia has 5, Kentucky has 4; Arkansas has 3; Kansas 2, New Hampshire 2, Rhode Island 2; South Dakota 2; and Arizona, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina,Tennessee, and Wyoming have 1 additional Republican each.

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From award-winning Texas author Cynthia Leal Massey.


  1. The agenda was to make the Dems look bad and turncoat people to the right to maintain the two party system. Two feathers of the same bird so nothing really changes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another good post Jack. I saw this early on. In the 50s through the 60s and early 70s, my father and mother were Eisenhower cursing Democrats. They grew up in the depression, so their party was the one of Roosevelt and the WPA. My grandfather worked on the crews of the WPA and was one of the California transplanted Okies that Steinbeck wrote of. He wasn’t Tom Joad but could have been. I was a half-assed Democrat but walked the fence for years. I didn’t agree with the Vietnam war and didn’t care for the hippie movement, even though I was a long-haired rock musician, go figure that one out. I was a confusing hot mess. My father and I switched to the Republican party around 1971. It was a silent turn, and neither realized it until we shared a tumbler of scotch one evening and found ourselves agreeing on almost everything. I wish my son and I had the same relationship these days, but he is a wokie man that received full indoctrination while at Texas State. To say we are at odds would be a mild description. I am still a conservative, but not so much a follower of the new, and the less improved Republican party. Like the Dems left me, the Republicans have also abandoned me and others of my age. I live in a rural area of Granbury and there are many Hispanics in my neighborhood; all conservative, and not afraid to say so. It’s still a mystery how Biden received 82 million votes. I watched the movie 2000 Mules a few days ago, and I haven’t slept well since.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Phil, we share similar stories & backgrounds. Like so many Texans, I come from Democrat heritage. I hate to admit it, but it took us a little longer to leave them. Mainly because I interviewed Jimmy Carter behind the Alamo in November 1980 before Reagan beat him out of office a few days later. But I had graduated from TX State just 2 years prior and didn’t know any better. Reagan totally changed my father and my mind. I went to give a speech to the journalism classes about 8 years ago & tore their asses up by critiquing what they call journalism. The University Star, that I was managing editor of in 1977, was producing nothing but spoon fed copy. They were all self congratulating each other (including professors). In the late 70s, I was winning national, regional, state awards and would find myself actually in the University President Lee H. Smith”s office at least once a month threatening to cut funds because of things I exposed: $17,000 “consultant fees” for a new University symbol design, for instances…
      When TX State proudly hired Beto O’Rourke to teach there, that was enough for me. I quit the Alumni Association forever & took my Alumni of the Year Award plaque off my wall. Something happened to my beloved Southwest Texas State not long after it became Texas State. A few months ago, we were at the Apple Store cafe in Medina TX eating at their inside Patio. No one around here has worn masks even at the height of the false pandemic. So as we were leaving, I saw 8 college age kids outside at a picnic table ALL WEARING MASKS.

      I couldn’t keep my mouth shut:

      “Y’all must be from Austin, maybe UT?”

      “Close,” one replied. “Texas State, but how do you know?”

      “Well, no one around these parts has ever worn a mask, we didn’t get vaccinated and guess what? We have no COVID!”

      Stunned, they were. They felt silly & six of them took their masks off. Ahh. Fresh air!

      “When anyone around here sees someone wearing a mask we know their indoctrinated. Do me a favor fellow Bobcats, think for yourself, and don’t let the television or socialist liberal professors indoctrinate you. People around here, see you as robots.”
      I was kind and smiling the whole time. We continued to talk awhile and they asked about the glory days of my journalism experience there. It was a good day. I wonder if at least one of them continues to be a patriotic rebel (like you in me) and refuses to wear a mask in San Marcos.

      Liked by 2 people

    • It’s so disturbing, what’s happening in the colleges and universities, despite the fact that they focus so much on the awful stuff happening in the public school system, grade school age. Both groups are so impressionable, but those college aged kids, it really does stink that the place he went to school was so woke. I’m surprised, in Texas, but honestly, it’s everywhere, now. I moved from NYC suburbs, to rural Virginia, and it’s wonderful. Not that everyone on Long Island doesn’t support Trump, because everyone I know does, it’s the crime, and inflation…I could never raise my daughter there! Why? She would have to make boatloads of money to ever buy a home, IF that was even a possibility at all. Everyone either rents, or lives with parents until they’re 30. Not because they are lazy, they simply cannot afford to live there, even though they used to be able to quite comfortably, growing up in the 80s/90s.
      Keep mentioning that movie you watched, more people, like Whoopi Goldberg, and Tom Hanks, and Lady Gaga, need to know it exists. Such a shame that mainstream media would never mention it.
      I wish you well in your relationship with your son, politically. My daughter is difficult to talk to with regards to politics, herself. And she’s 14! You have inspired me even MORE, to watch political leanings of a university, BEFORE I consider sending her, to avoid making a woke situation worse, lol. I appreciate your sharing.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Don’t get too tore up over all this. We’ve lived good lives during our era and nasty politics, CIA, FBI etc has been a part of it. Yes, it is far worse, but we made it through all of it. Keep the goodness in yourselves. Spend less, walk more and smile often. Oh, and never miss an opportunity to vote. It makes them more vulnerable to getting caught cheating when we overwhelm then.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The job I retired from, in 2016, despite being virtually all democrats, the membership voted for Trump. Some hated Trump and Hillary, they vowed not to vote. Most wanted Trump.

    1. Obamacare was passed while I worked there. My Benefits increased in Deductible, Copays, and decreased in options for Insurers (from 3 to 1, and the 1 was never part of the 3), and coverage.

    2. Obama error (era) was the worst period of time, at work, in my work history, we thought the plant was going to close.

    3. Democrats are environmental zealots. They destroy American industry, that has decent pollution control, and the industry is replaced by Chinese manufacturing with no pollution control. Overall, the world’s air is much worse for the loss of American manufacturing under reasonable pollution controls.

    4. Trump bumper stickers were seen in the plant, and on cars, and were not defaced. Trump Graffiti was seen in the plant and not defaced (face it, it’s spray paint, it’s easy to paint over, no one did).

    5. I knew people in my shop scrambling to change party so they could vote for Trump in the Primary. One guy’s wife was mad at him, not because he changed, but because he didn’t take her with him so she could change.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So many stories like that. The strangest was the poll I did with Elvis Presley fans around the world. The article went viral here. I forgot how much it was, but over 90% voted for Trump. We all know he won. Collectively, there are millions of truths out there of people who experienced & saw all the evidence Trump would and did win.

      Liked by 1 person

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