6 Simple & Clever Hacks With Nail Polish

Plus 4 More Bonus Tips

Insect Bite Relief

A little dab of clear nail polish will do you, with a pesky mosquito or other insect bite.

Keep your buttons from falling off

Because buttons are sewn with thread, there is a good chance that eventually you might see that thread unraveling due to wear and tear. If that happens, there is a good chance it will fall off.

To stop this from happening or prevent it from progressing, use clear nail polish over the thread that is ripping. The nail polish will keep it in place and make sure that the button stays put. Doing this will also let you use your wardrobe longer.

Nail polish to keep your finger from greening

It has happened to all of us at some point, right? You see a fantastic ring in a store, and you want to buy it, but when you’ve worn it for a few days, your finger looks like you’re related to the Hulk.

Use clear nail polish and coat the inside of the ring, and your worries will fade away instantly. You don’t need to put too much on; just a little will do the trick with this hack.

Nail Polish to Hide Scuffs

No matter how much you take care of your car, it will take quite a beating after a while. Tiny scratches are very difficult to avoid and having them repainted can cost a fortune—unless you’re using nail polish to cover them up.

Find a nail polish that resembles the color of your car as much as possible and use it to cover scratches, dings, and other small imperfections. By applying polish to the damaged area, you’ll prevent it from becoming larger and rusting over time until you find a more permanent solution.

Thread a needle faster

Many have endured the frustrating process of trying to thread a needle with a soft frayed end.

Twisting the top of the thread to a sharp point and painting over with clear varnish streamlines the thread, and once dry, will allow the thread to easily pass through. 

Seal Envelopes

Sick of licking the foul-tasting envelope seal? 

A swift option involves dabbing a couple of coats along the underside of the envelope.

This will not only serve as a quick adhesive but also make for a more secure envelope seal with additional hold.


A hairdryer can save your table

We’ve all been there. We have guests over, and they don’t use a coaster, and our table is now marked with water rings. Because these can ruin a perfectly good table, we have a way you can fix it.

Get your hairdryer and turn the heat on low. Blast the stains with the heat, and you will see that they start to disappear. When they have gone completely, rub a little olive oil on the spot. That will allow the wood to be reconditioned and will help keep the wood looking new.

Give your fridge a fresh new spin

When you think of lazy Susan, you are probably thinking of a sewing room, right? You can use a lazy Susan for just about anything, but this hack will put one in your fridge.

When you are at home trying to find something to eat, it can be a serious pain to pull everything out just to get to what you want. Instead, place a lazy Susan on each shelf. The lazy Susan will ensure that you can see everything at once.

Turn an ironing board into a makeup counter

If you’re the kind of person who uses an entire collection of makeup when getting ready, there’s never usually enough space to lay everything out in front of you. A lack of surface space doesn’t mean that you have to keep everything stashed away in a bag, though—that’s where this hack comes in.

Ironing boards are usually stored away upright, but these can make for an instant makeup counter, especially in small apartments or hotel rooms where surface space is limited.

A tic-tac container can be a great case

Trying to keep your bobby pins organized can be a serious challenge. If you’re tired of scrambling around your home to find one, you can use a tic-tac container or something of similar size and store your bobby pins in that.

If you use this option, it takes up less room and looks less bulky, which can be a plus. Another benefit? It’s convenient, and you can carry it wherever you go, making touch-ups a breeze.



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