What to Know Before Fauci Testifies at House Oversight Committee in June 2024

Beijing, Washington DC and mainstream media have gone to great lengths to cover up information about the origin of SARS2, but, finally, on June 3, 2024, Anthony Fauci is scheduled to testify before the powerful House Oversight Committee.

Peter Dazak & Anthony Fauci

Recall that Fauci led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Former National Institutes of Health Acting Director Lawrence Tabak recently testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and it did not go too well for him.

Recall that Fauci repeatedly denied that NIAID funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan in high-profile exchanges with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in 2021.

Fauci vs. Sen. Paul

ā€œSen. Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially,ā€ Fauci said in a July 2021 hearing. 

Tabak confirmed in his hearing testimony that three months later, in October 2021 the NIH communications office changed the definition of ā€œgain-of-function researchā€ on the NIH website. 

Fortunately, investigative reporter Emily Kopp at US Right to Know recently revealed more about her ongoing research into Anthony Fauci, his minions, and the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.

ā€œFauci isnā€™t on the record much,” she noted. “I think he was smart in keeping a lot of his communications off the record.ā€


Kopp has been on the trail of Former National Institutes of Health Acting Director Lawrence Tabak, who testified on May 16, 2024 before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

She focused on an agreement specifically indicating that the infamous Chinese Wuhan lab and the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch could request that the lab delete documents and data surrounding their collaborative work.

ā€œThere are some sort of clunky or unusual provisions in this that suggest it might have been written by Chinese partners and sort of agreed to by the lab in Texas,ā€ Kopp said.

ā€œIf this was, you know, purely academic work, typically we would want that work to benefit society and to be public, so why was there this requirement that if either of the labs asked, all of the data and documents related to this collaboration would be deleted?ā€ she asked.

Earlier this year, Kopp revealed documents that  explained why no one had ever been able to find the SARS2 virus (aka SARS-CoV-2) infesting a colony of bats, from which it might have jumped to people.

The reason is that the virus has never existed in the natural world. 

The documents recipe for assembling SARS-type viruses from six synthetic pieces of DNA designed to be a consensus sequence (the genetically most infectious form) of viruses related to SARS1, the bat virus that caused the minor epidemic of 2002. The probative weight of the recipe is that prior independent evidence already pointed to SARS2 having just such a six-section structure.

2021 post by Project Veritas

The documents discovered and analyzed by Kopp, included drafts and planning materials for the already-known “DEFUSE proposal”, an application to DARPA, a Pentagon research agency, for a $14 million grant to enhance SARS-like bat viruses.

Project Veritas released top secret information on a study at DARPA, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

In January, 2021, Project Veritas CEO James Oā€™Keefe posed DARPA a fundamental query in an online video that broke the narrative:

ā€œWho at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more.ā€

Note that The DEFUSE project, first leaked in 2021, was submitted in 2018 and authored by Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance in New York, with partners including Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina.

Fauci had a personal meeting February 11, 2020, with UNC Chapel Hill professor Ralph Baric, but had it marked on his calendar.

However, during his testimony on November 23, 2022, on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, he swore under oath heā€™d never met Baric in person.

When questioned, Fauci backpedaled.ā€œI donā€™t recall. I could have met him. I run into several thousands of scientists that we refer to, but I donā€™t recall, certainly, having a relationship with him,ā€ Fauci responded.

Meanwhile, EcoHealth Alliance, with Daszak, has had its federal funding suspended and could likely be debarred from federal funding for years. 

Daszak planned to have much of the work undertaken by Shiā€™s team in Wuhan, even though it meant deceiving the US Defense Department into thinking the bulk of the research would be done by Baric in the United States.

Shi had indeed worked on SARS-related viruses, but mostly in BSL2 labs, which have minimal safety requirements.

In a note found in the new documents, Daszak wrote, ā€œIf we win this contract, I do not propose that all of this work will necessarily be conducted by Ralph, but I do want to stress the US side of this proposal so that DARPA are comfortable with our team. Once we get the funds, we can then allocate who does what exact work, and I believe that a lot of these assays can be done in Wuhan.ā€

Shi Zhengli & Peter Daszak.  US taxpayers have paid over $60 million to EcoHealth Alliance.

Washingtonā€™s supposed bewilderment has been aided by the puzzling inability of its 17 intelligence agencies to discover documents in the U.S. governmentā€™s own possession. This, coupled by tainted mainstream media too opinionated and ignorant of science to understand the story of the century (so far).

U.S. responsibility lies in having allowed two senior health-research officials, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins, to promote gain-of-function research (enhancing natural viruses) for years without adequate safety oversight or scientific consensus.

The grant proposed to ā€œintroduce appropriate human-specific cleavage sitesā€ into SARS-related viruses, a procedure that could have led to the creation of SARS2, with its distinctive furin cleavage site, depending on the starting virus used for the manipulation.

When the coronavirus pandemic broke out in Wuhan, Daszak went into action to defend his colleagues.

HeĀ organizedĀ aĀ letterĀ inĀ The LancetĀ (a premier medical publication) in February 2020 that stated ā€œwe stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.ā€Ā 

“The Biden administration has abrogated its responsibility to do an after-action report or assign a national bipartisan commission to investigate the pandemicā€™s origin,” Kopp shared Wednesday, May 23, 2024. 

“Across several U.S. agencies, there are a lot of cans of worms that such an investigation could crack open,” she continued. “In the absence of any meaningful errors in my reporting to spotlight, virologist Stephen Goldstein told POLITICO that Iā€™m not credible because Iā€™m really more of an activist.”

“In my prior job in corporate media I quoted Goldstein in one of my first stories about this subject, about the 2021 kerfuffle between Sen. Rand Paul and Tony Fauci. The conclusion I was led to believe by Goldstein and other virologists was that the work funded by NIAID in Wuhan did not qualify as gain-of-function research.”

“That was false.”

“In fact, NIH had changed the website defining ‘gain-of-function research’ to disguise the fact that Fauci had perjured himself,” Kopp revealed. “NIH eventually conceded to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Subsequent emails obtained under FOIA have demonstrated that Fauci knew NIAID had funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan by early 2020.”

“So how did Goldstein, an expert virologist, get it wrong?”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) proclaimed a controversial  pandemic in March 2021.

“It turns out, other emails FOIA’d by @JamesCTobias demonstrated that Goldstein was on an email chain with NIAID and with EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak denigrating news articles about the research in Wuhan in the fall after that summer hearing.”

“Fauci’s aide for twenty years, David Morens, was also Daszak’s friend and mentor, and was on this email chain.”

Note that the scrutiny of EcoHealth and NIAID has revealed that Daszak had a close connection to Fauciā€™s inner circle in the senior advisor to the NIAID director, David Morens. 

Morens told the committee in a transcribed interview that Daszak is one of his oldest friends. 


House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky. exposed during the recent hearing that ā€œDr. David Morens, a senior advisor to Fauci for decades, wrote in an email to Dr. Daszak, ā€˜I learned from our FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIAā€™d but before the search starts. So I think we are all safe. Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail.ā€


Comer asked Lawrence Tavak, Principle Deputy Director of  NIH, ā€œIs that consistent with NIH document retention policies?ā€ 

ā€œIt is not,ā€ Tabak answered.

Asked if the NIH FOIA office instructs employees on how to evade FOIA, Tabak answered, ā€œI certainly hope not.ā€

Morens wrote in an email to Daszak in 2021: ā€œJust send to any of my addresses and I will delete anything I donā€™t want to see in the New York Times.ā€

“The incentive to make a show of defending the reputation of NIAID was of course immense,” Kobb explained. “NIAID controls millions in virology grants and had an enormous interest in downplaying the possibility of a catastrophic leak from an NIAID-connected lab.”

“While privy to these conversations with Daszak and Morens, Goldstein postured to the press as an independent voice,” she sets the record straight. “In short, I wonā€™t be scolded about my journalism by a source I consider to be duplicitous.”

“The duplicity comes into play in the POLITICO story. Goldstein casts the DEFUSE proposal ā€” which describes generating viruses just like SARS-CoV-2 ā€” as just some unfunded UNC grant. He must know, because we reported it, that notes in the margins of the draft showed an intention to outsource the key experiments to Wuhan.”

“The origins of COVID-19 is an expansive story involving coverups by the worldā€™s two leading superpowers, complex and competing scientific claims, millions in government grants and contracts, and unrevealed classified intelligence.”

“There is still a lot more to do!”

“Fauci may have conducted official business on a private Gmail that he believed was out of reach of FOIA, according to this email from his aide in 2021 (before he left NIAID).”

“Records management” at the NIAID director’s office apparently means “delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive.”

‘Francis Collins and Tony Fauci “are trying to protect you, which also protects their own reputations,” Fauci’s aide wrote to Peter Daszak.

Fauci “asked how Peter [Daszak?] is doing, as he often does.”‘

(Fauci has claimed under sworn testimony that Daszak is only an acquaintance)

Daszak: “I just hope it doesn’t culminate in 5 years in federal jail.”

‘The head of Fauci’s FOIA office “hates FOIAs.” Go figure.’

‘The “FOIA lady” that helped Fauci aide David Morens avoid FOIA has been apparently identified.’

“Why would Fauci employ (for over two decades) someone this creepy?”

Fauci aide David Morens used his official NIAID resources and imprimatur to help Daszak restore NIAID grant funding despite concerns about a lab leak in Wuhan.

Then Morens and Daszak discussed a “kickback.”

“Too much fooking money! Do you deserve it all? Let’s discuss…”



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  1. Absolutely nothing will come of this!! He will get off without a slap on the wrist. They stole an election, remember?? We have Marxists running the country.


  2. Although it is quite true that in the past we have seen little to nothing done, such is not the case any longer. This exposure is becoming to big for the Left to hide anywhere, and there are too many of us praying and acting, as is shown by the painstaking work in this article. There is a lot of hope, and as fatiguing as it’s been, it has never been more critical that we persevere. We are trusting in God’s mercy; we sure don’t deserve it, but we need it. There are many more with us than there are with them. Watch and see what we’ve never seen before: Justice.


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