Trump Defense Completes Cohen Examination in Tainted Judge’s Court

“The defense has completed cross-examination of Michael Cohen after doing the same with Stormy Daniels recently,” Chief White House correspondent Simon Ateba reported moments ago.

“We already knew that Cohen was a liar and a thief. He confirmed that in court again. The jury already knew he was a convicted felon. The question is, will that convince the jury that Trump did not pay $130,000 to Stormy Daniels and then classify it as a legal expense?”

“If the jury agrees that Trump indeed made the payment, was it illegal to call it a legal expense? What should he have called it? Was calling it a legal expense a falsification of business records? Correct me if I’m wrong, but what’s a payment to a lawyer called?”

“If the story is that Trump reportedly slept with Stormy Daniels, a porn actress, while he was married to his wife, Melania Trump, how is that relevant even if the story was true?” Ateba asked. “How was that relevant to the 2016 presidential election? If the voters had that alleged information, could that have changed anything in 2016?”

“No matter how you look at it, the case does not really make a lot of sense, especially because of the Hunter Biden laptop suppression story before the 2020 election,” he continued. “If Trump should go to jail because he allegedly suppressed that information, what about those behind the laptop story or the Russia hoax? I can go on and on. My prediction, based on everything I have heard, is that Trump will not be convicted in New York next week. But, we never know, since it’s liberal New York!”

The judge in this case, Juan Merchan has a daughter who is paid by Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff as clients at her company that focuses on campaigns and elections.

Judge Merchan, the NY State Supreme Court Judge who issued the gag orders against President Trump has a daughter named Loren Merchan. She is the President and Partner at a company called Authentic Campaigns that boasts Harris, Schiff and other far-left Democrats as clients.

An X account belonging to Loren Merchan under the handle @LorenM426 shows her profile picture as President Trump behind bars in a jail cell.

FEC reports also reveal that Loren Merchan is a frequent Act Blue donor to Democrat candidates.

Dishonorable Judge Merchan appears to be engaging in Election Interference as he is pulling out all of the stops to save Michael Cohen, after President Donald Trump’s team torched him last week. 

On Monday, May 20, 2024, the judge quickly rejected an email from Cohen’s former attorney that rejects Cohen’s entire testimony and won’t allow Trump’s team to submit a document proving where Trump was during Cohen’s alleged call to him about Stormy Daniels.

Why isn’t this Judge being removed and investigated? 



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  1. Juan Merchan’s birthday is listed as 1962 or 1963. He supposedly came here from Columbia when he was 6 with his parents and 5 siblings. How could the parents not know when their youngest child was born or what are they trying to hide? So many things are determined by knowing your exact age such as driver’s license, voting, social security and the ability to buy age restricted items. How can you fully function in moden society without knowing your birthday? I could understand years ago when records weren’t that well kept and sometimes baptismal records were used or coming from a very isolated group.

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