Obama & Blinken, Control Biden, Use Media Propaganda to Set Dangerous Narrative of Pending Middle East War

Predictably, Big Media propagandists are amplifying the Biden regime’s disinformation drive, beginning with NBC News reporting that “President Joe Biden has privately expressed concern that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to drag the U.S. more deeply into a broader conflict.”

Instinctively, most Americans realize that Biden, at best, can maybe express concern about his choice of ice cream flavor without being told what to say via a teleprompter, earpiece, or note cards.

The White House, also under the influence of the Military Industrial Complex (Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy originally warned us about) is complaining publically that Israel did not bother to inform the US that it was going to strike Iran in Damascus prompting last week’s retaliation.

The narrative continues with, although Biden does not want the US to go into war with Iran, this could escalate and perhaps Russia and China will join forces against the United States.

SOS Blinken knows when Netanyahu blinks,” says Paul Gadot, who is far more trustworthy than anyone paid by mainstream media bosses. “The US is influencing ‘what and when’ and, at the same time, in constant dialog with Iran and its satellites. Through this duality of diplomacy, the US controls the delicate balance of alliances.”

“When Israel rebuffs the US in Gaza and vows retribution for October 7 (which the US “allowed”), it causes ripples in the waves of US influence,” Gadot continued. “So, please, don’t fall for a concern that the US may be ‘dragged more deeply into a broader conflict.'”

“The US is knee-deep in a Middle East chaos of its own making.”

Popular meme

Mark Levin responds: “Tell us, Joe, you still think rearming Iran and helping them fund their terrorist surrogates was a good idea? You dumb bast*rd blew up the Middle East. So did Blinken and your buddy Thomas Friedman. I’ll never let the world forget.”

Gadot chimes in again: “Through diplomatic channels, Iran just contacted President Biden. Iran announced that if the U.S. gets involved in Iran’s imminent retaliation against Israel, Iran WILL strike U.S. troops, military bases, and other U.S. assets in the region.” 

“Hold onto your wallets,” he advised.

Popular US meme

Meanwhile, Iran fired 331 missiles and drones at Israel:

• 185 of 185 Kamikaze Drones shot down.
• 103 of 110 Ballistic Missiles shot down.
• 36 of 36 Cruise Missiles shot down.

7 Ballistic Missiles impacted Israeli territory for a 98% shot down rate.

A quick glance of responses on X last night and this morning indicates most Americans are not buying the Big Media propaganda:

In the meantime:



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  1. It’s even worse than the news you have. If you check out Israeli journalist Carolyn Glick, you will find that this so-called government of ours is actively engaged in employing Salinsky tactics in Israel to take down Netanyahu’s government and destroy the State of Israel. She says the majority of Israel realizes this and is unified in purpose to take out Hamas and save their nation. They know they can’t trust the U.S. in the shape we are in, although they know that the bulk of the American people are with them. Victor David Hansen is one of her sources.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Know that 45 is NOT the answer. I warned him in ’21 when we were both on #NotTheBee, that if he d/n come out against CV-19 “Vaccines” (they’re not), that he would lose his following. He won’t have $hit for voters in Nov, if we ever get there. I am running for #USCongress = NV-04,. When I win, if 45 does, I’ll be his #WorstEnemy.


    1. I don’t think that we need all those bases over there. The Pakistanis, Arabs and Israelis can defend themselves from the Iranians. We need our troops protecting our borders and I mean prevent the entry of the invaders and not the processing and release into this country of scam asylum seekers and invaders.
    2. I am not a prophet so I don’t know if this is the end times. All the pieces are together for the Ezekiel 38 and 39 War of Gog and Magog (which are from Turkey) along with Persia (Iran), Cush (Sudan or Ethiopia) and Put (Libya). I don’t know about the use of all the horses. Possibly God knew that Ezekiel probably wouldn’t have understood about tanks.
    3. The crash of the helicopter carrying the President and Foreign Minister of Iran seems untimely. Was it the weather which was bad? Was it pilot error or mechanical problems? Was it sabotage by one of the Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Israel or Iranian dissidents?


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