Fashion Tips for Trump Derangement Syndrome Victims

Although some people are  finding it difficult to decide what to wear in these unpredictable times, it is especially challenging (of course) for indoctrinated ultra-liberals.

Insanitybytes, one of the best blogs in the world, recently posed the question, “What Does One Even Wear To a Banana Republic?” in response to the sham New York court trial of President Donald Trump.

Although somewhat tongue in cheek, it seriously lambasts American politics today and it is well worth a read.


“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” is a statement often credited to Lavrentiy Beria from Stalin’s secret police. We should probably start printing it on our money, it would more accurately reflect the motto we now seem to embrace in America.

I couldn’t resist. Here are my personal recommendations for her question:

Not wanting to overwhelm her blog’s responses (my mind wouldn’t shut down about the subject), I decided to elaborate here. 

In far-left, New World Order Deep State driven America, I was concerned enough to include fashion suggestions to the mainstream Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) afflicted and/or those indoctrinated enough to mentally reach  beyond the reality of only two sexes: man and woman.

For readers unaware of TDS, here is a generally accepted definition:

Some better known icons, or examples, of TDS include:

Here are some special fashion ideas for various species, but know that Panama Hats are versatile for all types of protests:

The New England look is especially appropriate for statue destruction gatherings.
The Summer 2020 Warriors look.
Grab & Go Looter attire highlights the trending criminal ghetto look of New York, Baltimore, Seattle & Chicago.
Middle school indoctrinated charmers.
I’m only in it for the money and an energy drink ensemble.
Stylish & confident more Vogue Denim wearers are actually trending over to Trump.

A versatile amount of such  items tend to be fading as more woke businesses continue to dwindle, but if you are unlucky enough to still find them, look for collections under monikers like gender-neutral, androgynous, unisex, non-binary and so on. Beware that influencers and social engineering experts say such initiatives, even when well-intentioned, often fall victim to performative activism. 

Some of those retailers that still offer gender-fluid collections often continue to separate their store offerings by gender. What’s more, these pieces tend to collapse gender expression into neutral colored and baggy sweats or T-shirts.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. Good stuff, laughing my butt off at some of them. Thank the Lord I am, and live in Texas where I have to go to Austin or Dallas to see these kind of mutants. My Larry Mahan pointy toed boots will fit perfectly in their lower orifices. I did see one in Fort Worth, but he was running from a bunch of cowboys that were going to field dress him like a wild pig.

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