Joe Biden’s Top Historical Blunders, So Far

During Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech for 2024, he claimed inflation has been trending down.

Knowing this was not accurate, we checked:

Looking at the entire first three years of his White House residency, so far the Consumer Price Index has actually increased a total of 18%.

(Note to Biden’s teleprompter handlers and speech writers: Two months is not actually a “trend”–especially during the holiday shopping season–for the economy).

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Claiming the US had the lowest inflation rate in the world was a whopper. Dozens of countries, including G7 nations Canada, France, and New Zealand, plus Italy, Switzerland, Finland and China have rates that are lower.

This lie prompted us to determine the Biden Adminstration’s biggest blunders–so far.

1. Immigration and Southern Border

 Right off the bat, in just the first 12 months of his outrageous border policy, the negligence, lead by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorcas, resulted in increased hostility.

In that first year of Biden’s presidency, over 9,986 cases of rape, torture, murder, kidnapping and violent assault towards immigrants at the border were recorded.

Over 10 million more illegal immigrants increasingly streamed into the country, all because of Biden’s refusal to enforce our immigration laws.

Biden Border Crisis

Today, the number includes thousands of illegal aliens, so-called “amnesty seekers,” who are generally released into the country with an order that they show up for a hearing in the distant future—an order that basically goes ignored.

During this entire time, while Americans remained repressed and under the gun to take dangerous and unproven jabs, the vast majority (94%-96%) of the immigrants included people who where unvaccinated or infected with COVID-19, as well as gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and even individuals from many countries on terrorism watchlists.

While the primary duty of a US president is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” Biden has willfully failed to do so.

2. Military Failure in Afghanistan

Who can forget the historical and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as Biden pulled out our troops before getting out our civilians, green card holders and allies? 

Then he had to send troops back in to help them get out. Yet even then, Biden failed to get everyone out, despite promising to do so.

In addition to stranding people, the evacuation left billions of dollars’ worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban. The US military leaders abandoned a strategic base in the fight against terrorism and allowed the release of imprisoned hard-core terrorists.

3. Military Failure in America

Most Americans don’t know that despite severe recruitment and morale problems, over 8,400 servicemembers were booted out of Biden’s woke military for refusing the mandates COVID shot.

The military disgrace in Afghanistan was not Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley’s first blunder.

Milley in his Darth Vader attire complete with COVID shield.

During the first year of Biden’s term, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark, decided to speak up at meeting with military leaders.

Cotton confronted Milley and Biden’s woke Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, saying that he had received “several hundred” whistleblower complaints since Biden took office, and claimed that people are leaving the military because of training based on critical race theory. 

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“We’re hearing reports of plummeting morale, growing mistrust between the races and sexes where none existed just six months ago, and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”

“These are not my words, they’re the words of your own troops,” Cotton said, calling the trainings “anti-American indoctrination.” 

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Most of the mockingbird media ran cover for Biden’s military blunders, but then Tucker Carlson commented on his then Fox News program.

Carlson said, “The key question is, how does Lloyd Austin define a racist or extremist? The definition matters…what you’re seeing is not an attempt to make the military better. What you’re seeing is a political purge of the military.” 

Since Biden took office, the US military has experienced its worst recruiting years since the all-volunteer force began in 1973.

“We are so woke in the military we are losing recruits right and left,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., revealed. “We’ve got people doing poems on aircraft carriers over the loudspeaker. It is absolutely insane the direction that we’re headed in our military, and we’re headed downhill, not uphill.”

While recruiting efforts continue to dwindle, criticized Biden’s troops continue with drag shows on military grounds, military training that supports diversity, equity and inclusion, and health care coverage for transgender members to get certain surgeries or hormone treatments.

Peter Feaver, a Duke University professor and former member  of the National Security Council, admitted that discussion of “woke” policies could be shaping the advice that influential people — family, coaches, clergy and other trusted community members — might give potential recruits.

Politics aside, the truth is that over the last 50 years, the number of people on active duty has dropped from 3.5 million in 1968, to about 1.29 million (or less than 1% of all U.S. adults) in today’s all-volunteer force.

More recently, Mark Alford, R-MO, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, introduced three amendments at a Pentagon markup session concerning the 2024 defense bill that is still being debated. The amendments focus on the DOD’s woke policies, as well as evaluating funding and staffing levels associated with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs.

“We’ve got to get the diversity, equity and inclusion programs out,” Alford said. “These investigations of what they call extremists in the military—these are patriots who love our Constitution, who love our institutions, who love the way voting is supposed to be.”

Alford cited the mandating of the COVID-19 vaccine as reasoning by some military members for wanting to root out these current provisions, rather than get kicked out of service.

4. Inflation and Economy

In just his first year in office, national inflation rose to a record 6.8 percent, the highest level in 40 years.

Gas prices skyrocketed by 58 percent, also the largest increase recorded over a 12-month period since 1980.

Biden claimed that inflation in the U.S. “has dropped from 9% to 3% – the lowest in the world!”

Although the year-over-year inflation rate was artifically down to 3.1% in January, 2024, down from 9% in June 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  that’s still higher than the 1.4% rate when Biden took office.

Biden’s term is best remembered as a time of steeply rising prices, cruel taxes on the poor and those with fixed incomes, Today he wants to spend trillions more, which will just make inflation even worse.

The Biden economy will be remembered as a time of us suffering from massive supply chain bottlenecks, with ships waiting weeks to get into ports, and a shortage of workers and truck drivers to deal with them once they got in.

5. Failed Energy Policies

A principal cause of “Bidenflation” is high energy prices. His first day assuming office, Biden immediately canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people.

That oil that would have come through the pipeline now comes by ship, rail and trucks—and rewards campaign donors  and labor unions who own the businesses or work in the trades who support Biden. 

It is interesting how Democrats, the supposed party of green energy, support these costlier and more polluting means (trucks and rail) of delivery.  Oh, and how did that Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany explosion work out? 

At the same time the Biden-Obama-Blinken machine was restricting domestic oil and gas production, leading to higher gas and heating prices, Biden called on OPEC and Russia to supply more oil and gas in order to reduce those prices.

6. Identity Politics

Far-left and looney Democrats have fully embraced identity politics in their federal bureaucracy. Many of Biden’s appointees were selected based on their race, sex, LGBT status, etc. and not because they were the most qualified persons available.

Biden was quick to reinstate critical race theory training for federal employees. His administration and leftist mainstream media continue to reinforce– rather than rebut– poisonous deception now spreading throughout our educational system and in the body politic.

7. Pandemic Response

It took some time, but even a good number, under demands from their voting constituencies, of Biden’s fellow Democratic senators and representatives criticized his approach for being “reactive, rather than proactive” regarding the pandemic.

Even the Supreme Court were compelled to block Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses, which intended to enforce vaccine-or-test requirements for large private companies.

Enormous criticism, in addition to their questionable policies on vaccinations, was leveled at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for its guidance recommending mask use in schools for children over the age of two.

Scientists raised concerns over the method’s effectiveness, while fellow international bodies offered contrasting advice against the CDC.

Under Biden, the COVID pandemic was characterized by frequent policy reversals, including the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates—a move that, previously, he told America he would never make.

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As a result, the country experienced the resignation and firing of police officers, firefighters, health care workers, airline pilots, and armed forces personnel.

The result was that far more people have died of COVID-19 and the vaccines during Biden’s presidency than during Trump’s.

8. Politicized Federal Law

Biden’s Justice Department has proved to America that they fail to treat equal offenders equally. It was first obvious when they meted out harsh punishments and lengthy pre-trial detentions to January 6 defendants. While few of those jailed engaged in any violence or destruction of property, video evidence and on the ground witnesses support stronger cases for Deep State (FBI?) operatives encouraging, enciting and participating in actual destruction and civil disobedience. 

Those patriotic citizens who planned to walk to the Capitol that morning,  were instructed by President Trump to peacefully proceed. Those patriots were, at most, only guilty of trespassing or obstructing a governmental proceeding. 

Such offenses have been frequently committed by left-wing groups (recall, for example, the Kavanaugh hearings).

Contrast the treatment of the January 6 defendants with, for example, the DOJ’s treatment of Antifa and BLM rioters who tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland, a much more serious federal crime.

Later, the DOJ turned its attention to parents complaining about schools’ racializing and sexualizing their children.

9. Biden’s Failed Character

It is obvious to most Americans that Biden is prone not just to embellishing the truth, but to outright lying.

• His campaign lied about his son Hunter’s laptop—claiming that well-substantiated reports of its contents was Russian disinformation.

• He lied about Hunter’s business dealings, including influence peddling, with the Chinese.

▪︎He lied about what Donald Trump said regarding the Charlottesville protests.

• He lied about Kyle Rittenhouse, claiming the teenager was a white supremacist before his trial even began.

• Throughout his political career, he has plagiarized and told numerous lies about things he is claimed to have done (but didn’t do). Since day one of his time in the White House he has repeatedly reinforced his propensity to lie.

¤In 1987, he was forced out of the presidential race when he was caught plagiarizing British politician Neil Kinnock’s speeches. Perhaps worse, he also mimicked some of Kinnock’s mannerisms in a style a reporter at the time called “creepy.” Political author Richard Ben Cramer said Biden knew what he was doing and even had a video of Kinnock to study.

¤ In 2023, one of his lies was so bad that even CNN caught it.

“Last year, we funded 700,000 major construction projects — 700,000 all across America. From highways to airports to bridges to tunnels to broadband.”

¤  In 2008, he was caught in a lie about a helicopter he was riding in that was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan. In reality, it was just waiting out a sandstorm.

¤ Biden has repeatedly claimed he criticized former President George W. Bush in several long meetings. Bush aides said it never happened. One aide added that the former president “would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden.”

Biden has attained virtually no successes as president. But as the above list attests, he has produced a lifetime’s worth of major failures in less than 3 years.



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  1. Biden said that Trump was too old and mentally unfit to be president at a dinner. There is only one way to handle this. They can both participate in a special Jeopardy contest (drug test mandatory). All winnings go to veteran’s or first responder’s charities. Biden might do well in the ice cream or Amtrak stations ( between Delaware and DC) categories.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Good read. Congrats on picking from the hundreds of his lies and green curtains, you covered some good ones. The old fart needs one of those Tesla brain chips that shocks him every time he tells a whopper. My family is cursed with Democrats, and yet they follow the bunny around the racetrack, even though they pay the same prices that me and Momo do. Asylum seekers? Migrants? My grandparents were migrants, leaving Texas for California in 1934 so they could find a job. No one gave them one thing. Pitchforks and torches is where I am today.

    Liked by 1 person

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