Senators Border Report: Invaders Bringing in Explosives, Child Trafficking is Massive

Four Republican senators have stepped up to warn Americans of the explosive devices found on illegal invaders on the United States-Mexico border in October.

Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.), placed the blame on the Biden administration’s border policies after Border Patrol agents caught illegal border crossers carrying explosive devices.

Barrasso (R-Wyo.) the Senate Republican Conference Chairman, said the Biden Regime, along with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, has caused these devices flowing across the southern border to be “tailor-made for terrorism.”


Mayorkas recently testified that 600,000 illegal immigrants have entered the US in Fiscal Year 2023. This means that if only  1% of those 600,000 “gotaways” are terrorists, there could now be 6,000 terrorists in the country that the Biden-Mayorkas administration have allowed to enter.

The shocking revelation at a press conference on Oct. 31, after their recent visit to the U.S.–Mexico border, has received little attention from many mainstream corporate media outlets.

The senators report that over 8 million illegal border crossings have taken place under Joe Biden’s watch, while asserting that explosive devices found on some border crossers in recent days represent an elevated risk of terror acts against the homeland.

“We have just returned from our southern border, and it is painfully clear that with Joe Biden’s open border policy, our country is really at an increased threat for a terrorist attack,” Barrasso said at Tuesday’s press conference.

Several days ago, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents seized illegal immigrants carrying with them improvised explosive devices that Barrasso described as the “size of cannonballs” and were “tailor-made for terrorism.”

Sen. Ricketts emphasized that 18 people from the terror watch list were captured at the border in September alone as 269,735 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States, the most for a single month in history of the Southern border. 

No one is certain how many terrorists have entered the US undetected. Based on known revealed data, at least 350 terror suspects have been captured in 2022-23 fiscal years.

“One of the things we learned, which I had never heard, which is in the past year, the Biden administration has put out new guidelines for pursuit of illegal aliens,” Cruz said later on his podcast. “This is illegal aliens that are running, that are trying to get away. And the guidelines, you’d have to effectively call them guidelines for non-pursuit, because they are told you cannot pursue illegal aliens if there is anything that could potentially endanger someone’s safety.”


Cruz explained that if there were four people in the back of a suspected vehicle and there were only three seatbelts, agents could not pursue them because if there was an accident, a person would get hurt. He said that the policy has actually encouraged traffickers to do dangerous things because they know that agents won’t pursue because of Biden’s policy.

On a midnight patrol, Cruz saw a horrifying situation concerning a couple dozen people. They were mostly women and children, and there were “cues from things that the children said” that officials believed were a sign that they were being trafficked.

“The one that was haunting for me was in the back there was this man, a grown man, maybe 35 years old,” Cruz revealed. “And he was with a little girl who was 10. And he said she was his daughter. She said he was her dad. It was obvious to everyone he was not her father.”

“He had his arm around her. And it was like locked tight, like he was holding her, almost so she wouldn’t run away,” he continued. “And the look of terror in that little girl’s face. She was so frightened of this large, sweaty man who had his arm around her and was saying he was her father. And there’s a frustration and helplessness that there’s nothing we can do, that nothing the Border Patrol can do. Because when they take them in, the Biden administration instructs them ‘release them.’”

Cruz is frustrated that Biden canceled DNA testing at the border so it was now extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine if children were coming into the country with their actual parents or if they were being trafficked.

“Biden canceled the DNA tests,” he said. “Like, you want to talk about one of the great scandals, these Democrats who prance around and say they’re so compassionate, they no longer test to find out if father and alleged daughter or father and alleged son are related because they don’t want to know, they don’t care. They are perfectly happy just leaving a pedophile with a little girl or a little boy who’s being abused.”

Cruz surmised, from what law enforcement has told him, is that the little girl he saw would likely be forced into prostitution for the next several years and that there was nothing any of the senators could do to stop Biden’s policies.

In May, 2023, during a press conference on the border, a liberal corporate media reporter attempted to blame the immigration invasion on Republicans.

“In 2020, the last year of the Trump presidency, we had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years,” Cruz replied. “You ask what I have done? I’ve championed the men and women of Border Patrol, I championed securing the border, I Championed Remain in Mexico, and we turned this problem around and solved it.”

“Joe Biden inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years, and the first day in office, he made political decisions to cause this problem, and you should be ashamed of yourself. If you’re a reporter, and you’re not reporting facts. You’re telling lies.”



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  1. Journalists or Talking Heads.

    It’s incredible that so many people have sold out the principles of the significance of their position. I was a Union Representative, we Represent the Union Employees. I was appointed, not elected, and I was a Rep for about 8 Years. Though I did engage in “Give Back”, it was not at the point of sacrificing the Safety of my Brothers and Sisters in the Union.

    I saw an incident where an employee was injured, but not seriously. An overhead crane (small one on a Mono-Rail in a shop) came off the rail, nearly fell on the employee but hit his back, leaving a hellacious Brush Burn of sorts. Another employee was almost crushed by the load, but escaped into a nook along a beam that protected him, I would not have fit in there. The plant superintendent was instructing the supervisors to say the employees were to blame, yet the supervisors said no, that it was a design fault (I overheard because I was standing next to them and they didn’t realize it). I never told the Union I overheard the conversation because the Supervisors did the right thing, but weeks later, I mentioned to a boss that was on scene that day, what I had heard. He said “You heard that?”. My Give-Back was not telling the Union something that did not change the outcome. The employees were protected.

    When one knows that harm is being done, and doesn’t work to expose and resolve that harm, that it as low as it goes. There are Union Reps that sell out their Brothers and Sisters in the Union. In return for doing so, they get better jobs, better hours, more money, something, essentially blood money. Talking Heads are no longer Journalists. They don’t tell the truth, they push narratives, and they are lower than low for doing so, they are creating conditions that will destroy this country, harm innumerable people, and they don’t care, they just want their money, or fame.

    Prices are insane, grocery shopping is insane, a woman came up to us, in the parking lot of a grocery store, and said she can’t believe that she just spent well over a $100 but had nothing to show for it, relatively speaking. If Trump was in office, the Talking Heads would be all over the prices, and inflation. But since the democrats control the Senate and Presidency, nothing is said. Nothing is said about Open Borders. Nothing is said about Transsexual Kids molesting girls in school. Investigative Journalism no longer exists, they speak the party line and that is all.

    Liked by 2 people

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