Big Media’s Public Enemy #1: ‘Danger Close’ Patrick Byrne

Anyone of prominence that Big Corporate Media goes out of their way to release or invent negative propaganda about, is someone we should pay close attention to.

Patrick Byrne, who received a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and Asian studies from Dartmouth College, earned a Master’s in philosophy (ethics) from Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar, and achieved his Doctorate in philosophy (focusing on political theory, jurisprudence, and economics) from Stanford University is worth our careful attention.

Byrne served as chairman, president and CEO of Centricut, LLC, and Overstock.Com, Inc. 

Byrne met with President Donald Trump prior to the 2020 Election and made keen observations that rattled many:

● Trump impressed him as superintelligent and kind and not at all what he’d expected, from the way he’s portrayed in the media. 

● Byrne was not impressed with President Trump’s White House Counsel, Pat Cipollone. He thought Cipollone and his staff were doing everything to slow-walk and stonewall the President after it was obvious the election was rigged.

● He believed that had he and Sidney Powell been able to meet with Trump on November 4th and had he taken their advice and their evidence, including 50,000 sworn affidavits (which were withheld from Trump by his staffers), the Election would have been settled before Thanksgiving, 2020.

● Byrne says, Cipollone not only leaked about the meeting at which Byrne was present to The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman but he spread malicious lies when he claimed there’d been a discussion of Martial Law and the Insurrection Act. Byrne, who was in the meeting for 4.5 hours, to this day insists that those topics were never raised.

● Byrne said Cipollone screamed at the President with such disrespect, that it was a disgrace to the Office and to the Nation. 

● Byrne believes Trump learned so much about politics, the Deep State, his VP Mike Pence and some who surrounded him in the White House, that it will serve him and the nation very well in his second term. His Chief-of-Staff, Mark Meadows seemed incapable of helping Trump.  

● Chinese Dissident, Wén yáng sìhǎi, tweeted that Meadows was exposed as yet another person the Chinese Communist Party and Deep State planted beside Trump: “The White House Chief-of-Staff is the key to Xi’s threat to President Trump.”

Byrne revealed that the “thugs on the left and the Chinese could not infuse enough votes to get Biden over the finish line. That was where Frankfurt (Germany) jumped in. Over 7 million votes were switched there. The site was raided and all the equipment is in the possession of the Defense Department.


In 2005, Byrne began a vigorous campaign against corruption in our capital markets through securities manipulation. His stance quickly caught the attention of Wall Street analysts and reporters and remains a point of high controversy today. Mainstream Media, and their masters, hate him.

Why did they despise him?

Because he proved them wrong, tainted, and dishonest.

Byrne proved that Wall Street had become dominated by a group of players who first pushed the laws to their limits, then openly flouted them until they became blurred beyond the possibility of enforcement.

At the same time he revealed how the standards of financial journalism eroded as a group of reporters, trying to appear as players, became Deep State pawns. A significant fraction of the journalists on the Wall Street beat became shills of a handful of hedge funds.

Mainstream Media, crooked politicians, and federal organizations tried to protect their schemes by writing, announcing, and disgracing him with mistruths.

Byrne continued on and showed how the Securities & Exchange Commission, regulator of our nation’s capital markets, had been “captured by financial elites to the point that it favors Wall Street over Main Street.”

“A crime is routinely occurring in our capital markets,” he wrote. “Small loopholes created to provide ‘fault tolerance‘ in our nation’s stock settlement system are being exploited by Wall Street brokerages and their hedge fund clients to steal billions of dollars.”

Byrne described the side effects:

Corporate governance in America has been shattered.

● Many companies (often innovative tech and biotech companies) have been damaged or destroyed, while the Americans who invested in them were robbed, generally with no awareness on their part beyond the loss of their savings in the stockmarket.

● It has created in our country’s financial system a crack so deep it could trigger a systemic collapse.

“The financial media are incapable of bringing a critical mindset to this issue because of their too-cozy relationship with Wall Street (several financial journalists actually seem to be engaged in blue-smoke-and-mirror attempts to obfuscate issues on behalf of the financial elites who turn up wherever this crime is occurring),” he explained.  “As a result, the crack in our financial system appears to be reaching catastrophic proportions.”

The Hijacking of Social Media

Byrne worked hard, despite enormous Deep State and Washington political opposition, to show–that within social media blogs, message boards, and wikis– evidence of the enormous campaign to “hijack the social media discourse, organized by the same people who are profiting from the crime.”

Byrne recalls that when he first began discussing these claims, “the New York Post ran a photo-shopped picture of me with a flying saucer coming out of my head…the profession of financial journalism has demonstrated that in its view there are, in fact, two subjects beyond critical examination: Wall Street, and the profession of financial journalism.”


Special note by Jack Dennis:

When I read a political or news book, it comes with a  habit of verifying (from reliable human sources developed over the years, accurate documents, records, and other evidence, etc.) to determine it’s accuracy.

Such is the case of Patrick Byrne’s new book, Danger Close by Defiance Press.

I will be writing more about Patrick Byrne in upcoming articles. (Sign up below for free notification when we release a new post like this).


Dave Roberts, CEO of Defiance Press, emphasizes the critical timing of the book’s publication, stating, “With the approach of the 2024 election, it’s imperative that the public learns the full scope of the ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy. Patrick Byrne’s revelations provide a sobering reminder of the urgent need for transparency and truth in our political discourse.”

‘Danger Close’ offers an insider’s view into the machinations of power, unveiling shocking realities that challenge the status quo and pose serious questions about the integrity of government agencies.

Byrne affirms, “This book is a candid narrative of my personal experiences and the disturbing realities I discovered. My aim in telling my story is to highlight the insidious elements at play and to spark a critical dialogue on the necessity of accountability and openness in our governance.”

The book is available in paperback, kindle and hardcover on AmazonBarnes and Noble, major retailers and via the publisher, Defiance Press.

SeattleSuz, one of my favorite book reviewers, gave it a 5 Star (out of 5) review. She wrote:

Patrick has opened my eyes to the truths of what has/is happening to our America!

He gives us an amazing timeline, and dates, and people involved !

Many corrupt,unscrupulous and dare say, evil people, who are trying to manipulate our government. The lengths the corruption extends, and the long term goal, of destroying Trump!

It’s a truthful, well documented timeline of past and future events as planned.  I wish I could give a copy of this to everyone I know, because we, the public’s are being duped by our government, supported by a corrupt media. Buy this book!



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