How The Biden Inflation Factor Has Harmed America

What you purchased for $100 in 2014 costs $131.62 today.

This is based on Consumer Price Index (CPI) data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States government. The CPI shows how the cost of products has changed over time. This includes everything from a gallon of gas, milk, bread, etc.

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The inflation rate is calculated from the beginning of the year. Other inflation calculators might use inflation at different times of the year or an average annual inflation, so they might show slightly different results.

Now let’s take a look of what the value of $100 was in 2021, when Joe Biden was installed in the White House compared to today:

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The reality is that Biden is trying to trade handouts in exchange for retaining voters. At this point, he has literally erased $167 billion in student debt for 4.75 million people so the balance of American taxpayers foot the bill.

Under this Biden-Obama plan, consumers are paying interest rates at generational highs on mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. The Federal Reserve even tells us that consumers have accumulated a record $12.8 trillion in housing debt, $1.62 trillion in car debt, and $1.1 trillion in credit card debt.

Now, according to the latest Federal Reserve Economic Well-Being survey, inflation has worsened the finances of two-thirds of all of America, including one-fifth who said it was “much worse.” 

With a current average price of $3.61 per gallon, gas has shot up 50 cents since the start of the year. Under the Biden administration, the average price of gas has fluctuated wildly, reaching a peak of over $5 a gallon at the start of 2022.

The current average price per gallon remains over 70 cents higher than it was when President Donald Trump was ending his first term in office.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. My gauge is simple: Before Obama, in 2008, I could buy a pound of angel hair for 33 cents, and a large can of crushed tomatoes for 50 cents. Now, the angel hair is $2.50, and the can of tomatoes is $3.00. I still bring in just about the same amount of money. I’m still eating, thank God, and only He knows how. And that’s only me. I still have my home. The amount of homeless people is off the charts.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I could send you and Dodie my sauce recipe, or my Sicilian aunt from Queens spaghetti and meatball one, or both, and I just think it’s so much better with angel hair pasta. But I’m still ticked off at the price! But not enough to give it up; these sauces are the real deal.

    Liked by 2 people

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