Vaxxed CNN Anchor Dies Suddenly & Other Related mRNA News

CNN Anchor Alice Stewart has died suddenly alone outside her home after a “medical episode.”

Alice posted about being fully vaccinated and publicly questioned why others didn’t choose to also. She previously worked at Fox News, for Rick Scott and Ted Cruz, and the RNC.

Meanwhile, a whistleblower from Pfizer has leaked an internal email indicating that the pharmaceutical giant offered a “separate and distinct” COVID-19 vaccine to employees at its Pearl River research site in Rockland County, New York.

The email, dated January 2021, reassures  Pfizer employees that the vaccine supply for this internal program would not affect the doses committed to national governments worldwide.
According to the leaked document, site-essential workers were identified to receive these exclusive vaccinations.

According to the whistleblower, there was a widespread belief among employees that they were receiving vaccines that were different from those distributed to the public.

The U.S. FDA detected a safety signal for seizures in young children following mRNA Covid-19 vaccination, according to a study published Wednesday.

Researchers also identified a safety signal for myocarditis or pericarditis following the Pfizer vaccine in adolescents aged 12-17.

Yet, the CDC continues to recommend children ages 6 months and up be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Recent U.S. data has exposed dramatic spikes in non-COVID excess deaths, notably among the younger working population. Individuals aged 35 to 44 are experiencing mortality rates more than double what would normally be expected, marking a 201% increase. Meanwhile, the broader under-45 group has seen an 80% surge in death rates since the pandemic began, pointing to significant, undisclosed health crises.

There is an 80% rise in deaths across this demographic, far exceeding typical historical averages and suggesting widespread health impacts.

These statistics suggest serious health issues unrelated to COVID-19 are significantly impacting young insured workers. This has raised substantial concerns about potential underlying causes, including the implications of vaccine-related complications.

Critical mortality data, crucial for understanding these disturbing trends, has recently become more difficult to access. The Society of Actuaries has instituted a $10,000 fee for detailed reports that were previously available to the public, significantly hindering the transparency necessary during such a critical public health investigation.

The restriction of vital data during a crisis not only obscures the understanding of these alarming death surges but also severely impedes effective public health responses. The growing impact on families, workplaces, and the broader economy underscores the urgent need for clear, transparent, and accessible data.

As communities and policymakers grapple with these hidden crises, the demand for thorough investigations into the causes of these excess deaths, especially examining the role of COVID-19 vaccines amidst reports of adverse effects, becomes critical. Stakeholders must push for greater transparency and easier access to information to effectively address and mitigate this evolving public health challenge.

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo, and staunch COVID-19 vaccine advocate, just revealed that he himself is suffering from side effects from the shot.

He told vaccine injured nurse practitioner Shaun Barcavage that he too is suffering “weird stuff” w/ his bloodwork and that he’s  “sick” and “working with people” to treat it.



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    • Many/most ‘Healthcare providers’ know that children are the age group least likely to contract C-vid, making the shots unnecessary for them. Since they’re highly compensated by big pharma to test for COVID and administer the clot shots, greed drives them to continue pushing these deadly ‘vaccines’ on innocent children while lying to the parents re: their safety.

      I have lost all respect for most mainstream, allopathic doctors and no longer believe anything the CDC says. Much like Fauci, if their lips are moving, they’re lying!

      They may not be brought to justice in this lifetime, but Judgment Day IS coming, and they won’t be able to lie their way out of that.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Amen to both of you, and it seems to me that if someone like Chris Cuomo, who was so quick with his ridicule before this, can find the guts now to tell the truth about what’s happening to him, that others should be encouraged to redeem the situation as best they can, in this way, at least.

    Liked by 3 people

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