Study Finds Gab Wins Over Facebook on Free Speech

Disclaimer. We have repeatedly been censored, suspended, and ‘jailed’ from Facebook.

Away from the propaganda spewed by various controlled media, most level-headed observers understand the real argument regarding protecting free speech vs. maintaining a “civil online environment.”

Facebook, especially during the 2020 election season, took a strong arm approach of censoring anyone supporting President Donald Trump, conservatism, the US Constitution, and truth.

Alternative platforms like positioned themselves as champions of free speech.

Recent academic research has shed light on the impact of these differing approaches, revealing surprising results that challenge Big Media propaganda and preconceived notions about Gab.

A newly published study from the University of Naples Federico II, in Naples, Italy compared the discussion environments on Gab and Facebook regarding topics such as the ‘vaccine’ and the covid pandemic.

Researchers were taken aback by what they discovered. The prevailing assumption that Gab served as an “extremist and conspiratorial platform” was dispelled, replaced by a more nuanced understanding of its role in fostering open discourse and productive debate.

Gab has often been unfairly criticized and labeled as a “hotbed for extremist views” by the mainstream media, but what these researchers discovered was that Gab is emerging as a surprising contender in the realm of constructive conversation online.

The study results found:

• Gab’s environment was less polarized and more receptive to the exchange of differing opinions compared to Facebook.

• While mainstream perception has often pigeonholed Gab as a space solely for radical ideologies, the research showed that it was evolving into a platform where information sources and diverse worldviews could be shared and discussed.

Our analysis shows the emergence of Gab as a space for comparison and sharing of information sources and differing worldviews that is lacking on Facebook. Gab claims to promote freedom of speech and provide an environment where users can express their opinions without fear of being censored or banned. On Gab, the idea of being able to express a position (albeit controversial and not widely shared by public opinion) with a users’ audience, who probably share that same position and are more prone to confrontation than to attack, generates a discussion environment that is less polarized and more open to the exchange of opinions.”

The researchers’ initial assumptions about Gab being “radical, sectarian, or conspiratorial” were shattered as they delved deeper into the platform’s dynamics.

•Instead of harboring divisive discussions, Gab proved to be a space that encouraged structured and impactful debates.

• In contrast, Facebook, once seen as a hub for connecting friends and family, was found to have transformed into a tool for disseminating regime propaganda during the pandemic.

Catch us at @jackdennistexas on Gab

One of the most significant takeaways from the study is the role that free speech plays in shaping the quality of discourse.

•Gab’s commitment to allowing a wide range of viewpoints, however controversial they might be, appeared to contribute to the platform’s potential for constructive conversations.

• In contrast, Facebook’s heavily censored approach, where discussions could be stifled and differing opinions suppressed, lead to an environment that could fuel polarization.

•The study suggests that Gab’s stance to an open exchange of ideas empowers users to engage in discussions that challenge their own perspectives and contribute to the broader understanding of complex issues.

“In an era where online discourse often devolves into echo chambers and misinformation, platforms like Gab present an alternative that will continue to reshape the way we engage with differing viewpoints,” Gab CEO Andrew Torba, offered. “The study underscores the importance of reevaluating preconceived notions about certain platforms and acknowledging the complexities of their roles in our digital landscape.”

“Regardless of your background, beliefs, or opinions, Gab provides a space where you can share your thoughts openly and connect with others who share your passions or challenge your views,” he continued. “Our community–and this new study– are a testament to the incredible range of perspectives that can thrive in an environment of unrestricted discourse.

“Gab stands as a resolute symbol of the potency inherent in unrestricted speech and unfettered discourse,” Torba noted. “I extend a heartfelt invitation for you to become an integral part of our flourishing community, where your voice holds the potential to enrich the intricate wonder of worldwide viewpoints, innovative concepts, and profound insights.”



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