House Speaker McCarthy Speaks Against Crooked DOJ on Hunter Biden Deal

Senator Ted Cruz tells it like it is

“It continues to show the two-tier system in America,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said of Hunter Biden’s plea deal. “If you are the president’s leading political opponent, the DOJ tries to literally put you in jail and give you prison time. But if you are the president’s son, you get a sweetheart deal.”

“Now, this does nothing to our investigation,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday morning. “It actually should enhance our investigation, because the DOJ should not be able to withhold any information now saying that there’s a pending investigation. They should be able to provide [House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer] with any information that he requires.”

When the Department of Justice (DOJ) indicated that the investigation is ongoing, McCarthy said that was merely an effort to withhold information from the House.

“How can Hunter Biden plead guilty, no jail time, and the DOJ say there’s still an investigation, try to withhold information to the House?,” he responded. “That’s unacceptable and will not stand.”

“Because you cannot plead guilty, say you’re not gonna do jail time, and then say you can’t give papers to the U.S. House of Representatives — that’s not gonna stand. That’s not gonna work,” he added.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz later offered, “The reason we’re talking about this is not that Hunter Biden is some troubled soul with substance abuse issues. It is that he sold access to his father, who was vice president of the United States, who is president of the United States, and the evidence of corruption of Joe Biden personally making millions of dollars is growing and growing and growing and the Biden Justice Department is doing everything they can to cover up,”

“Look, today is a really sad day for the rule of law and every American who cares about justice ought to be outraged. What happened today is three things at once. Number one, it is cronyism. Number two, it is camouflage. And number three, it is corruption.”



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  1. What is he going to do about it? The only tools he has is impeachment or cutting funding to these agencies. My guess is a lot of talk and ultimately nothing.

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