Who Won the Biden-Trump Debate According to Social Media?

Forget the opinions of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NY TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, ROLLING STONE, YAHOO NEWS, FOX, and other mainstream propagandists.

Here is what average social media posters think:



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. Don’t forget that he also promised to take care of the lead pipe problem in America, near the end. The reaction of one of the chat people was to coin a phrase, it was so ludicrous: “Lead Pipes Matter, LPM.” It was on a podcast I often watch, Ark of Grace, and Amanda Grace, who had been discussing the debate with a pretty straight face, lost it till she was laughing so hard she was practically crying. The strain we’re all constantly under, and all this guy’s got for a political promise is to fix our pipes. LPM.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Last night’s debate was painful to watch. I about spewed my tea when right after it was reported that “he had a cold!” Seriously?? Lord help us!

    I find it sad that Jill and the rest of the family are putting Biden through this. It’s clear that he has some type of aging disease like dementia. My gosh, the man has been working all his life. Let him retire and rest. Just shows how selfish the Biden family is. Very sad.

    November can’t get here soon enough! Trump 2024!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. When asked my thoughts, I wrote this to a friend after the debate last night:


    I don’t feel a bit sorry for Biden. I don’t detest him because he is an elderly man with dementia. I detest him because he is (and always has been) a manipulating liar who KNEW perfectly well what his role was going to be. He sold out America to the Chinese. He sold out the American people with his lies, and he sold himself out as Obama’s puppet and Hunter’s banker who made sure that the “Big Guy” always got his 10% on all the dirty deals over the years.

    The Democrats *** USED *** FJB as the frontman for Obama’s 3rd (and attempted 4th term). But, here’s the thing…. Biden WILLINGLY signed up to be the puppet that carried out his directives to “fundamentally change” our Republic. He studied for 8 years under Obama to do that as well as actively working behind the scenes for the next 4 years to destroy Trump’s presidency… and then…. he signed up AGAIN for another 4 years to continue that mission. We have been stuck with this subversive, anti-American, child-sniffing sell-out for almost 16 years!!!


    Harsh? Considering what is at stake? I don’t think so.

    Liked by 3 people

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