Deep State ‘Target List’ Includes Names Many Patriots Will Recognize

American Statesman,  Founder and author of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson:

“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

Ivan Raiklin, known as the Deep State Marauder, with over 120,000 followers on X, listed his “Top Names on the Deep State Target List” last week. Here are his first ten Deep State Operatives:

Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Mike Pence
Joseph Biden
Anthony Fauci
Kamala Harris
John Podesta
Huma Abedin
Jonathan Weiner

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Ivan E. Raiklin, is  a former Green Beret and Constitutional Attorney. 

He served 25 years in the DOD, Intel and Special Operations Communities and DTRA as an enlisted, officer, civilian, contractor on active duty, reserves and national guard across 5 states: IA, NY, MA, MS, TX and 5 continents in five languages (Russian, Spanish, Arabic, French, English-naturally). 

Others on his Deep State list include:

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams
Debra Birx
Jared Kushner
Alex Azar
Michael Bloomberg
Rochelle Walensky
Albert Bourla
Francis Collins
Stephane Bancel
Robert Blair
Lloyd Austin
Terry Adirim
Col Robert Cohen
General Mark Milley
Samantha Power

There are certainly more, including:

James Clapper
Kelly Degnan
John R. Phillips
John Brennan
Patrick Conlon
Jacob Lew
Mike Neufeld
Sarah Raskin
Nathan Sheets
James Comey
Jim Clapper
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Stacy Abrams
Katie Hobbs

Susan Rice
Jim Baker
Christopher Steele
Lindsey Graham
Alexander Vindman
Andrew Weissman
Adam Schiff
Jerry Nadler
Nancy Pelosi
Jamie Raskin
Harry Dunn
David Lazarus
Ray Epps
Chuck Schumer
Kevin McCarthy

Benny Thompson
Liz Cheney
Fani Willis
Nina Jankowicz
Monica Bertagnolli
Yoel Roth
Vijaya Gadde
Jim Baker
Del Harvey

Surprisingly, Alex Soros, Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken, Alejandro Mayorkas, Christopher WrayJake Sullivan,   Hakeem Jeffries,  Gavin Newsom, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Mitch McConnell, Elliott Abrams,  John Bolton, Judge Juan Merchan, Jack Smith or Alvin Bragg were not listed.

You may think of more.



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  1. Everyone on this list MUST be a target for assassination. There are times when political assassination becomes a political necessity, and these are those times. I expect to see my personally assigned FBI agent soon behind this First Amendment comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Listing more would keep us here for quite some time. But there are many more of us than there are of them, and a good lot of them are sent from on High. And we know, because of all this exposure on the Deep State, who most of them are. Justice is trickling now, but it will roll.

    Liked by 1 person

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