Startling Facts of Border Encounters Since Biden-Mayorkas Took Over

Kyle Field, the Texas A&M  stadium is the largest football stadium in the Lone Star State. It has a seating capacity for enough people who could hold up 102,733 FJB signs while chanting what Joe Biden could do to himself.

Since Biden has resided in the White House, the amount of illegal immigrant encounters on US Borders, would fill almost 90 standing room only games in Kyle Field.

If each immigrant was required to stand six feet apart as we did during the pandemic, the line of them would be 117 miles long. A single line of people, standing that far apart, would extend from the Biden’s beach house in  Rehoboth, Delaware to the White House in Washington, DC if they could walk on water.

 In 2023, the US Border Patrol made right at 40,000 arrests of Chinese nationals entering the country from Mexico. This was 14 times the number from the same period in 2022. But “arrests” does not mean much during the Biden Administration.

The US House Committee on Homeland Security released its “Startling Stats” factsheet detailing the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) border encounter numbers for March of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. 

  • Since President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas took office, there have been 9.2 million encounters nationwide and over 7.6 million encounters at the Southwest border alone.
  • In March, CBP, including Air and Marine Operations (AMO), seized 1,392 pounds of fentanyl coming across the Southwest border, bringing the total for the fiscal year to 9,657 pounds—enough to kill roughly 2 billion people.
  • Since January 2023, 547,000 individuals have scheduled appointments with the CBP One app.
  • Since the program began, 404,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans have been mass paroled under the administration’s CHNV parole program at ports of entry nationwide.
  • In March 2024, 6 more individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry. Since FY21, 357 of these individuals have been caught crossing our Southwest border illegally.
  • March marked the highest monthly total of northern border encounters so far in FY24 (16,238).



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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One comment

  1. When you put numbers like that together, it truly brings the chaotic danger factor home. While he sits on the beach with his cell phone, enjoying his assets, ignoring the inevitable…

    What a mess this will be to clean up. We’ll never let it get like this again. Lesson learned.

    Liked by 2 people

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