Did Not So Great CNN Debate Seal Biden’s Fate?

Forget fake news propagandist outlets. We know they are going to spin. In fact, some already are dizzily spinning around like the mockingbirds they are attempting to convince the most naive voters that Joe Biden is “recovering from a cold,” but still won the debate.

A better indicator of the reality of what really ocurred can be determined by the explosion of memes and comments on the morning after the CNN event:

Biden tried his best to equate Trump and MAGA Americans as Nazi.
Pointing his way to find the podium.

So after all the trash talk, untrue narratives and lies we find out Democrats do what they do best: Deceive.

Turns out there wasn’t much of a crowd at the Obama/Biden rally so they put up a giant curtain to make it appear bigger than it was. Smoke and mirrors:



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. Aw come on man! That was the best deer🦌 in the headlights performance that I have ever seen. Although, it might have been even better with a deer antlers headband. If it had been a movie, we are talking Oscar!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As much as I despise Biden, I did feel a tinge of sorrow for his condition. His wife, his family and everyone that works around him knows he is in the throws of middle to late stage dementia. His facial expressions alone confirm that. His wife is evil for putting the man through this, but then those with power will do anything to keep that crown. When it comes to our country and it’s existence, then Biden has to go, now.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Last nights performance blew a giant hole in Joey’s and the Democrats reelection chances . The Democrats and the MSM were not expecting a total catastrophy of that magnitude in the debate. The MSM has been hiding Joey’s cognitive decline for years. Even calling videos of him stumbling, bumbling and crumbling “Cheap Fakes”. Well over 50 million people saw Joey exposed last night. And it wasn’t good for Democrats. The MSM has been caught in another lie and cover up. Now the MSM says Joey had a cold and that effected his performance. They say he tested negative for COVID but has a cold. What? During COVID if you even sneezed in public you were quarantined! After the debate he went to a public restaraunt! Democrats think americans are stupid. Democrats rolled the dice with Joey and their woke policies. Now they are in the middle of the ocean on a sinking ship.

    Liked by 2 people

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