JFK Asked FBI for Info on Pelosi’s Father’s Inner Circle & Her Brother’s Rape Scandal

President Trump Ordered FBI Files on Pelosi Prior to J6

While Washington, D.C. was riveted on the events of Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol, the FBI quietly released a trove of files ordered released by then President Donald Trump from an “Urgent” — yet seemingly controlled — investigation 60 years ago. 

The files detail a two-month investigation into then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s father, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., a Maryland politician who served in a long career in Congress and as mayor of Baltimore.

The investigation was ordered by the White House after President John F. Kennedy indicated he planned to appoint D’Alesandro to a position on a government watchdog board that reviewed defense contracts.

JFK’s Special Assistant, Kenneth O’Donnell contacted FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover regarding D’Alesandro.

A routine FBI name check revealed “allegations” against D’Alessandro, according to a Feb. 6, 1961 teletype from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

“The White House has requested that we proceed with a special inquiry investigation but that if substantial derogatory information were developed, we should report this and discontinue any further inquiries because substantiation of any of the allegations would eliminate Mr. D’Alesandro,” the FBI director wrote in the teletype that is located on page 19 of the files.

“Assign immediately,” Hoover wrote, instructing the Baltimore and Washington field offices to “afford continuous attention” to the investigation.

An FBI agent wrote on page 14 of the files: “There have been allegations that D’Alesandro has associated with the Baltimore criminal element and [redacted] and the son, Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro, had been arrested for rape.”

Agents had written that Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro was arrested and acquitted on charges that saw others convicted of raping two girls aged 11 and 13. The young D’Alesandro, who died in 2007, also was tried and acquitted of perjury in relation to that case.

“In 1945 it was alleged that one Charles F. Cammarata had been able to get away with all sorts of criminal activities in Baltimore, Maryland, and had operated almost unmolested due to his friendship with and the protection of Congressman D’Alesandro,” one unnamed agent wrote in a Jan. 30, 1961 memo to the White House.

FBI File

In the same memo, which begins on page 38 of the files, the agent summarizes allegations that D’Alesandro took payoffs from applicants to the police force, and that he helped to hinder the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

Thomas D’Alesandro was sworn into a position in the Kennedy administration on March 28, 1961, while his wife, along with JFK and a young Nancy, looked on.

In summary, the investigation revealed: 

● Nancy Pelosi’s father was accused of multiple criminal activities and being involved with Communist Party USA, a soviet front group, according to the FBI.

● Nancy’s 20-year-old brother, Franklin D. Roosevelt D’Alesandro, was also included in the files revealing sex charges against him involving two girl cousins, one 11 and the other 13 years old. Charges were presented by the grand jury against him and nine young men from Baltimore.

FBI file

“When Pelosi’s father was the corrupt mobster Mayor of Baltimore, her 20-year-old brother was one of the men arrested for holding two little girls hostage in an apartment for a week, constantly gang raping and sodomizing them,” information indicated.

“They were convicted, but Pelosi’s brother was acquitted after her father sat in the courtroom for the entire trial. Accusations of jury tampering were to follow.”

We are not certain if the FBI informed Nancy Pelosi of Trump’s release of her family’s intelligence file, but we do know she ABSOLUTELY HAD to keep control of the narrative of what happened on January 6th.

● That is why the ‘attack’ on the Capitol will now be investigated by a House select committee after party-line vote.

Popular meme

The truth is that Nancy Pelosi had numerous motivations for the January 6th ‘insurrection’, and she very well likely orchestrated it with the help of the FBI and Capitol Police leadership.

1. To create a smokescreen and distract the news cycle from the release that day of once classified FBI files ordered released by then President Trump on her communist-linked father.

2. To smear President Trump allowing the House and Senate to impeach him, preventing him from ever holding public office again. This second impeachment failed, like the first one.

Popular meme

3. To create a narrative that conservatives are domestic terrorists and must have their weapons confiscated. This includes all conservatives whether present in Washington, DC on January 6th or not. This is still in motion and they very well may get their domestic terrorism classification against conservatives.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. Fist I want to thank you folks for your investigating you sugar coat nothing tell it with facts I congratulate you ! 2nd all the government officials commenting crimes against We The People They should be hung upside down soaked in honey and let the wild life have a feast I’m not a violent person but what they’ve done and doing I’d have no problem do to them what there doing to Americans.

    Any word on the political camps being built in every state and the UN military migration in the US ? Ty

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Gene. Honestly, I’ve heard of those camps but never looked into them. My connections are ample & dependable. It’s just a matter of some detailed investgative reporting. I will give it a shot..or two…or three.
      We appreciate your comment & hope you will continue to read Clever Journeys.

      Liked by 2 people

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