Professor of Cult, Deviant Behavior, Criminology Convicted in Starting Forest Fires

Gary Stephen Maynard, 49, a former university professor at Santa Clara University, Chapman University, and Sonoma State University, specialized in criminology, cults, and deviant behavior.

In Sacramento, last week, Maynard was sentenced to over five years in prison for igniting a series of wildfires in 2021, some of which endangered firefighters during one of California’s most devastating fire seasons.

Maynard admitted to setting four fires, including the Cascade and Everitt fires in July and the Ranch and Conard fires in August.

These blazes occurred behind crews as they fought the Dixie Fire, which ravaged more than 1,500 square miles and destroyed over 1,000 structures, making it the second-largest wildfire in California history.

Investigators began monitoring Maynard after the Cascade Fire was reported on Mount Shasta’s western slopes.

They discovered him living out of his black Kia Soul, which was stuck in a ditch. The next day, another fire erupted on Mount Shasta, and tire tracks matching those of Maynard’s vehicle were found at the scene.

Authorities placed a tracking device on Maynard’s car, confirming his presence in the areas where the Ranch and Conard Fires later ignited.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Anderson noted that Maynard entered evacuation zones and set fires behind first responders battling the Dixie Fire.

Maynard, a San Jose resident, pleaded guilty to three counts of arson on federal property as part of a plea deal. He received a 63-month prison sentence.

According to prosecutors, the fires he set were extinguished before causing any structural damage, thanks to the swift actions of the U.S. Forest Service and civilian witnesses.

U.S. Attorney Phillip Talbert emphasized the gravity of Maynard’s actions, stating that he exacerbated an already dire situation by setting fires that could have trapped firefighters. Talbert credited the rapid response of the Forest Service and vigilant civilians for preventing further disaster.

Maynard’s attorney argued that he was suffering from untreated mental health issues at the time of the arsons and has since sought treatment.

In addition to his prison sentence, Maynard was ordered to pay $13,081 in restitution and will undergo three years of supervised release. The Dixie Fire, which began in July 2021, cost over $610 million to control, making it the most expensive wildfire in California’s history.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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