Judicial Watch Denounces the Absurd Trump Verdict

Judicial Watch, a trustworthy watchdog organization, provides Americans the following information regarding what Deep State operatives in our federal government do not want citizens to know.

Judical Watch has uncovered remarkable evidence of Deep State operatives.

The verdict is no surprise considering the rigged, kangaroo court proceedings run by a biased, conflicted judge and an unethical, politicized Democratic Party prosecution team. May 30, 2024, the day the verdict came down, was a terrible day for the rule of law that will go down in infamy. This whole process is compromised, and this verdict should be overturned in an emergency fashion.

The evidence shows that Trump committed no crimes, and this is a prosecution about “nothing.” This and other Democratic Party-political prosecutions of Trump are an abomination under law and are destabilizing to our nation.

Judicial Watch will continue to expose in court the truth about these attacks on the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the U.S. Constitution. In the meantime, our elections have officially been compromised by this politicized prosecution.

Many of their findings go back to Barack Obama’s Administration.

We have several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits related to the prosecutorial abuse targeting Trump.

In March 2024, we filed a Georgia Open Records Act lawsuit against District Attorney Fani Willis and Fulton County, Georgia, for records of any communication Willis and the county had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee. The lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County after Willis and the county denied having any responsive records.

In February 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice asked a federal court to allow the agency to keep secret the names of top staffers working in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office that is targeting former President Donald Trump and other Americans.

Obama staff

(Before his appointment to investigate and prosecute Trump, Special Counsel Jack Smith was at the center of several controversial issues, the IRS scandal among them. In 2014, a Judicial Watch investigation revealed that top IRS officials had been in communication with Jack Smith’s then-Public Integrity Section about a plan to launch criminal investigations into conservative tax-exempt groups. Read more here.)

In January 2024, we filed a lawsuit against Fulton County, Georgia, for records regarding the hiring of Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor by Willis. Wade was hired to pursue unprecedented criminal investigations and prosecutions against former President Trump and others over the 2020 election disputes.

In October 2023, we sued the DOJ for records and communications between the Office of U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s office regarding requests/receipt of federal funding/assistance in the investigation of former President Trump and his 18 codefendants in the Fulton County indictment of August 14, 2023. To date, the DOJ is refusing to confirm or deny the existence of records, claiming that to do so would interfere with enforcement proceedings. Judicial Watch’s litigation challenging this is continuing.

JW helped reveal the false Trump-Russia scandal was implemented during Obama-Biden-Carter tenure.

Through the New York Freedom of Information Law, in July 2023, we received the engagement letter showing New York County District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg paid $900 per hour for partners and $500 per hour for associates to the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm for the purpose of suing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in an effort to shut down the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight investigation into Bragg’s unprecedented indictment of Trump.

You can expect that the government abuses targeting Trump will not stop and will only increase – and you can also expect that Judicial Watch will not stop investigating and exposing this dangerous threat to our republican form of government.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. They should be Knighted, but we don’t do that here. There must be another award to give them once the King of All Kings gets us back where we should be.
    I’m writing this from the Library, as we had a thunderstorm which seems to have knocked my Internet out, and probably a lot of other people’s as well. So, communications are down, but stand by. Will get it up and running.

    Liked by 1 person

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