Will a Red Dawn Invasion be Used to Warp the 2024 Election?

More New Whistleblowers Believe So

How can America be paralyzed, more so than the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, just in time for the November 2024 election? 

“The economy would come to a standstill. The stock market would crash. No one would leave their house for weeks. Cities would become ghost towns. Our streets would be patrolled by military,” said national TV and radio show political commentator Wayne Root, for The Gateway Pundit.

“Days ago, my CIA sources called me to tell me the US government knows a ‘Red Dawn’ terrorist attack is coming any day,” Root revealed. “That’s their exact words. ‘Red Dawn.’ The CIA is scared to death. Yet they refuse to warn the American people.”

“Worse, they know exactly why it’s coming. This is the direct fault of the Biden administration. And I’m not even talking about the open border,” he continued. “My CIA sources used the exact term ‘Red Dawn.’ They know we are facing waves of ‘Red Dawn’ terror attacks.”

This intelligence information is strengthened on the heels of an announcement from the National Sheriffs Association who indicate there are now two million terrorists inside the US today.

Recently, a San Antonio, Texas law enforcement officer told me that during training after the aftermath of the nearby (21 casualties) May 24, 2022 Uvalde Robb Elementary School shootings, “we think the likelihood of multiple enemy attacks would increase and be timed when schools are back in session to strain local resources.”

● In April, 2024, the House Committee on Homeland Security knew that for FY24, 24,376 Chinese nationals had been encountered at the Southwest border, 24,214 of them apprehended illegally crossing the border.

● On Saturday, June 1st, Clever Journeys will provide additional information regarding “encounters of Chinese nationals in March 2024 increased over 8,000% compared to March 2021, and surpassed all of last fiscal year––just six months into FY24.”

“Unfortunately, reports from last year revealed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ DHS had instructed Border Patrol agents to drastically reduce the number of vetting questions for Chinese nationals in order to more quickly process these aliens into the interior––potentially putting our homeland security at risk,” the House Committee reported.

● On June 9, 2024 Clever Journeys will elaborate more concerning the fact that since Joe Biden and “Secretary Mayorkas took office, there have been 9.2 million encounters nationwide and over 7.6 million encounters at the Southwest border alone.”

Root layed it out:

“All our enemies would need to do is the following: Coordinate 50 groups of terrorists to walk into supermarkets, department stores, train stations, airport terminals, hotel lobbies, restaurants, nightclubs, theatres and schools. 50 groups at the exact same time, in 50 cities across the country. And start killing.”

The likelihood is that Donald Trump will overwhelmingly be reelected unless nefarious and heinous Deep State activities interfere.

Biden is polling terribly as more Americans of all races and creeds move toward the alternate and proveable history of Trump, with the  consideration of how dishonest the federal government, mainstream media, Big Pharma and New World Order operatives are.

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Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. Thanks for the warning, Jack and Dodie. A large slice of Americans have thought this might be coming, but when, and where? The CIA and Biden’s minions refuse to tell us. Can we expect help from them? From our military? It might fall on our own shoulders, but you are right, it is eminent and soon.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Yes, I’ve seen footage of the Chinese Nationals crossing over, and know about the number of terrorists already here. There are hubs of people praying against this all over the country, and there’s no way we can expect help from this regime; they’ve set this up on purpose. It’s their full intention to take America down. It’s God and it’s us, and that’s why we can’t quit. Waking up is painful, but it’s for the children. It’s for the Gospel. We’ll make it, but we’ve got to be ready. Thanks, Jack.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. now.. let’s tie in the different timeliness

    dem national convention August 19-22

    Trump sentencing july 11. Three days later republican national convension

    schools back in session end August

    debate in June. Usually debates start October but this year they are done b4 october

    dem convension in Chicago

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not sure of much, but more certain the idea of the Deep State agreeing Joe will debate Trump (under their stacked conditions) is less likely.
      Just like Russia collusion, Judge Kauvenaugh, Jan 6, it’s all timed & prepared.


  4. What about?The timing of the convention to about the same time kids are going back to school

    What would the outcome be if the convention was attacked the democratic convention

    Liked by 1 person

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