When Does Joe Biden Go to Trial?

Here is a partial list of Joe Biden’s crimes.

When will he be charged, tried, and convicted?

● Mishandling of classified documents.

● Accepting $5 million in bribes from Burisma with his son Hunter.

● Using his political power and position to obstruct investigations into Hunter Biden.

● Claimed he had never spoken with Hunter Biden about his business dealings despite evidence to the contrary.

● Corruption involving Hunter Biden’s business in China.

● Using his political position to benefit Hunter Biden’s business interests.

Link to Donate to Trump Campaign


● Allegedly received $5,000 from ‘Sarah and Joseph Biden’ in laundered money from China.

● Knowledge of money laundering from foreign countries to members of his family via shell companies, including for his own granddaughter.

● Was referred to as “p*d* peter” and had inappropriate showers with his daughter, according to her own writing.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. hopefully ALL have donated to Trumps Presidential campaign today. It’s important we all act in unison. Even 20.00 dollars. Numbers matter!

    love the updated photo Jack

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Do you think Justice Alito knows something that we don’t? He flew that reversed American flag for a reason. I would love to write a long snarky bombastic rant about what happened to our country today, but, I am too dumbstruck, and anything would sound like an angry old guy that longs for the America we had before the Clintons and Obama’s, and now the Biden clan. I used to identify as a Republican and conservative. Now, I’m not sure who’s couch to store my sleeping bag behind. Maybe Bobbi Gentry’s snazzy white sofa?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. On my 31 May 2024 post regarding how Dementia Joe has pushed the legal limits on so many fronts, I put forward the hope that (like the “nuclear option”) Republicans take up this standard and go after Democrats to the same degree.

    With the Democrats’ establishment of the 65 Project and their going after 400 conservatives and the lawyers who represent them, Democrats have earned it.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m about to donate, keep on doing it till we win. It’s something we can do! What I love about this is that Biden and crew really now think they’ve won, and are never going to see it coming. Even when President Trump lands in jail and they are partying over it, it’ll be like Belshazzar in Babylon:”Mene, mene, teckel, upharsin.” And then Cyrus broke through the city wall and Babylon fell.

    Liked by 1 person

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