No Hope For Ukraine, Former UK General Reveals

“We have two parties… One is the Evil Party and the other is the Stupid Party… Occasionally the two parties get together to do something that’s both evil and stupid. That’s called bipartisanship.”
— M. Stanton Evans

It is no longer a secret, based on the 2020 elections, that Democrats and RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) need Ukraine’s kickback funds that funnel back to them through donations from ACT BLUE and other Non-Government-Groups (NGOs) in time for 2024 elections.

Why did Texas Senator John Cornyn need to be in Ukraine?

United Kingdom’s General Sir Richard Barrons, the former head of Strategic Command (StratCom), warned that Ukraine is at “serious risk” of having to admit defeat to Russia this year.

The former general warned that Russia has a five to one advantage in terms of artillery and ammunition, as well as superior troop numbers who are ensuring the Ukrainian frontline in the east of the country is being “battered away.”

The average age of a Ukrainian soldier is now over 40 years of age, the same as Russia, underscoring how the whole conflict has been a devastating bloodbath for both sides.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also recently signed a new law that lowers the age of conscription in Ukraine from 27 to 25 ahead of an upcoming Russia summer offensive.

Shocking videos have emerged showing mentally disabled people on the front lines of the war being mocked by other Ukrainian soldiers.

In December 2023, Michael Maloof, a former Pentagon official, revealed that the war in Ukraine is effectively “over” because Kiev’s counter-offensive has failed and there is no appetite in America to continue funding it.

The only reason to fund it is because of their money laundering kick-back value to American politicians and Non-Goverment Organizations (NGOs).

A month previously, Sascha Lehnartz, chief correspondent of German newspaper Die Welt, said the Ukrainian “counteroffensive seems to have failed” and that there was a sense Kiev had “already lost” the war.

A month before that, even far-left liberal CNN reported on a Time article which quoted a top Zelensky aide as saying, “He deludes himself. We’re out of options. We’re not winning.”

Just last month, Barack Obama puppet Joe Biden signed a new $95 billion funding package under which Ukraine is receiving  an additional $48 billion in weapons and other assistance while another $23 billion will be used to replenish the Pentagon’s depleted stocks.

It is now more clear that over $185 billion in U.S. taxpayer’s funds have been distributed to military, political kickbacks and “humanitarian” causes.

In England, former Downing Street chief advisor Dominic Cummings says Ukraine is a “corrupt mafia state” and that the west “should have never got into the whole stupid situation.”

The former advisor to Boris Johnson questioned why the government was so slavishly committed to supporting Ukraine.

“This is not a replay of 1940 with the pumpkin Zelensky as the Churchillian underdog,” he stated.

Cummings asserted that the west had been hoodwinked into getting embroiled in an unwinnable war that has only succeeded in pushing Vladimir Putin closer to China and taught him “that we’re a bunch of total f**king jokers.”



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