Trump: White House Has Enemies From Within

When President Trump last week said the White House has been infiltrated by “enemies from within,” it brought spotlighted what the majority of Americans already know.

Barack Obama and his handlers are so immersed in their corruption to take America down, that it matters little to them how Biden is perceived. They– meaning the White House, Big Media, Big Pharma, most Democrat and too many Republican leaders–are so wrapped up in their plots to:

● steal another election,

● break down the Constitution,

● strategically place their illegal invaders to change local politics, crime patterns and social control,

● launder money

● weaken military

● control the health of the masses, and

● grow dependability on social programs

“Joe Biden is weak,” Trump said. “He’s only good at cheating on elections, but it’s not him; he’s surrounded by fascists around the Oval Office.”

In February, Trump in Nashville, Tennessee, addressed the National Religious Broadcasters presidential forum gala and said that “the greatest threat is not from the outside of our country – I really believe it is from within. It’s the people from within our country that are more dangerous than the people outside.”

A serious look at Biden’s cabinet reveals how bad a shape the United States is in:



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  1. Why would they quit trying to destroy the country when we continue to allow them to continue to destroy the country? We should have brought them to justice 3-1/2 years ago, but we chickened out.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Good information, Jack. A large portion of America knows it’s Obama running the show: his third term. I’m sure he calls Joe on a cell phone so there will be no records. Our Republican and Democratic leaders are weak and compromised, that’s why nothing will happen to Biden, no matter how egregious his crimes. Those in power will do anything to hold on to that crown.

    Liked by 1 person

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