Trump Wins Iowa by Landslide as Media Loses More Integrity

The 2020 and 2022 elections proved to millions of Americans the magnitude of just how corrupt the Uniparty (Democrats and RINOS), Big Media, and New World Order (NWO) establishment are.

Eric Trump, earlier in the day on Monday, released a message on X that was viewed by well over half a million people warning America to “Watch the media in action tonight…they are so predictable:

If we win by 15%, the media will say, “It should have been 25%.” If we win by 30%, they will say, “It should have been 40%.” They will leave out that the largest primary victory in Iowa history is 12%. They so desperately want this to be a horse race.”

Iowa delivered a historical victory for Trump.

Eric Trump was right. As if salivating on the sidelines to push their latest round of prepared propaganda and distortions, mainstream media automatically remained obedient to Deep State NWO agendas.

The problem for these politicians, Deep State operatives and far-left globalists, is that the majority of Americans are finally wise to their devious corruption.

More Americans of all races and creeds can see through the smoke and mirrors.

Already, media headlines and first paragraphs emphasize who is vying for second place.

Why did voters for Donald Trump overwhelm the other candidates?

Because, almost by instinct now, the average citizen knows that only candidates and OPERATIVES of the Uniparty will get the “Magic Pass” from Big Media.

They have learned how media provided “passes” for Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, John McCain, Liz Cheney, and other RINOS in the past.

More importantly, only the most socially engineered and gullible voters either:

• maintain their planted Trump Derangement Syndrome,

• are naive enough to not realize the shine and eloquence of Uniparty candidates is intentional manipulation,

• lack the ability to “break the habit” of being obedient to lies and distortions of the Dr. Faucis, Bidens, Mayorkas,’ Gates, Newsomes, Clintons and Obamas of the world.

The fact that they are trying everything they can, legally and illegally, to keep Trump out of the White House gives tens of millions more citizens the incentive and reason to support and fight for him.

Americans realize the system is so corrupt that the Deep State will go to criminal measures to stop Trump. They know he will stop their gravy train of deceit and continue to drain their swamp.

In the cases of Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Chris Christi, and even to a degree Ron DeSantis, Big Media, and the Deep State operators within the Republican party were obviously given these magic passes.

While Media and Joe Biden’s party emphasize the (false) dangers of MAGA (Make America Great Again) voters, the fact is smart voters are aware that these magic passes go to Deep State favored candidates.

One voter wrote to Ramaswamy, “that is what is causing many within MAGA to be very suspicious of you. Not because we think you’re dumb, but because you seem to be extremely smart and calculated for you not to be able to see what we see.”

This is the same for Haley as well. They can pretend to be MAGA, but if they truly were, Big Media would be dealing them the same way they do Trump. Americans know the enemies of the Deep State would not be so kind to them, too.

“If they rig the election against Trump or take extreme measures to prevent him from getting back in and further sabotage his life, you think they wouldn’t be doing it to these other candidates? If not, this means you are not an anti-establishment candidate and likely a Trojan Horse. Only operatives get the magic passes.”

Another X (Tweeter) member laid it out plain for Ramaswamy:

“You’re doing wonderful, but you made a mistake by posting a photo of you posing as Trump’s savior,” she wrote. “Trump doesn’t need, and I’m sure he doesn’t want a savior.”

Another X poster wrote, “If the “system” allows you in the White House, it’s because you’re part of it. If you were America First, the “system”would go after you just as much as Trump. To insinuate to them going after Trump, is a vote to you instead, proves how stupid MAGA is.”



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  1. These magic media passes for RINOS are only for the primaries. They expire for the general election when they face a real Democrat. The media hasn’t treated a Republican nominee in a general election fairly since Eisenhower even if they were RINOS. The media was all for McCain and Romney until they faced Obama and then turned on them like a starving junkyard dog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was funny watching the Woke MSM meltdown. MSNBC was blaming white Christian voters for Trumps victory. Then said Iowa is a mostly white state. Boy the hypocrisy these people throw around.
    TRUMP 2024 MAGA!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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