Has Hillary’s Drinking Problems Increased Over Time?

Many times, as a reporter, I heard about Hillary Clinton’s drinking problems. In April 2008, while on the campaign trail in an Indiana bar, she created a stir when she downed a shot and followed it with a beer chaser, known as a “boilermaker.”

Soon, a brief statement from a Clinton campaign spokesperson announced: “Senator Clinton, who has had alcohol issues in her family, has decided to take a month off from campaigning to attend to a personal matter.”

By 2011, among the headlines revealing Hillary’s drinking problem surfaced:

“SWILLARY. Hill knocks back brew and scandal rocks summit,” screamed the front page of the New York Post.


London Telegraph blog post asked whether she was “becoming an embarrassment.”

Until I saw these headlines and compared them to other such reports, I honestly shrugged these stories off as just rumors.

One of the most interesting Hillary WikiLeaks emails released in 2016 was from August 2015. Her campaign chairman John Podesta had a frantic email exchange with communications aide Jennifer Palmieri. It was 2 pm.

Hillary Clinton campaign aides had a frantic email exchange in August 2015 over who should call the candidate to “sober her up some” at around 4:30 in the afternoon.

“Should I call her and talk this through or better to leave with you?” Podesta wrote. “I’m worried she’ll get on with Cheryl [Mills] and we’ll end up in a bad place.”

Palmieri wrote back more than two hours later with a response: “I think you should call her and sober her up some.”

Popular Meme

By May, 2018, over a year after she lost to Donald J. Trump, the National Review ran an article headlined, “How Much Does Hillary Clinton Drink?,” where author Amy Chozick reported in Chasing Hillary that she wrote a story for the New York Times that never ran because Hillary lost that election.

“Why couldn’t the story have run during the campaign rather than after it? That seems obvious. The factual details were such that they might have made readers question the Times’s spin that Clinton’s drinking habits reflected well on her. The attentive reader will wonder whether Clinton has a drinking problem. Chozick says that Clinton would have been ‘the booziest president since FDR’ and ‘enjoys a cocktail — or three — more than most previous presidents.’ Chozick isn’t saying that Clinton has three cocktails but that she has three cocktails more than a man. So: five cocktails, then? Five cocktails for a woman is generally said to have the same effect as ten cocktails on a man. Would you want a man who regularly put away ten cocktails to be president?



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  1. Remember her falling in the van in New York during 2016 campaign? They said she had fainted. Maybe she had knocked down a few! Never realized she drank so much. Brings some things into context! Clinton’s are bad news!

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