How Africa is Used as a Kickback Money Laundering Machine for NWO Controlled Politics

The first public hint of Barack Obama’s strong allegiance to Muslims and Africa was when he told Charles Bolden, the future administrator of NASA, that before he started that job, out of the goals the President laid out for him, “perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.”

That was quite an unusual command at the time and I’ve often wondered why it was so important to Obama—and his Vice President Joe Biden.

Now, it’s no secret that just about anything Obama or Biden was involved in, money laundering and scratch-my-back politics were involved—especially with the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO) and the New World Order (NWO).

Think about Bill Gates (vaccine testing on millions of children), Climate Change (lithium fields for electric car batteries) and the billions of dollars given to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) that have occurred since the Clinton (remember the kickbacks from Haiti) Administration.

We will see how this all deals with “10% for the big guy” Biden, but first read the words of Chief White House Correspondent for Today News Africa, Simon Ateba, this week:

Simon Ateba

REAL OR SCAM? On the surface, @SamanthaJPower, the former journalist turned @USAID administrator, appears to be spending hundreds of millions of American dollars in Africa to rescue those “poor” people from hell.

However, when I wrote her office to inquire about how the money was being spent after last week’s announcement, they refused to respond, raising questions about whether the funds were reaching the people in need or simply being used to enrich American NGOs and their associates.

Samantha Power

As someone who was born in Africa, I have never received any assistance from @PowerUSAID or USAID, and I do not personally know anyone who has benefited from their support. I have often suspected that it’s all a scam on the American people and should be terminated, as it seems no real African in need is benefiting.

It’s disheartening that while we rightfully get angry about those who loot stores being let off the hook, the individuals handling billions of dollars of American money that never reaches anyone are the ones being celebrated.

I may be mistaken, and perhaps USAID isn’t a fraud or simply a means to advance CIA interests in Africa, as some suggest.

Nonetheless, it is shocking that no African I know, whether here in the US or in Africa, has ever received any assistance from this program. And now that they refuse to answer questions, it becomes clear that there is a lack of transparency.

I’m not saying that Americans are being deceived, but it certainly has never helped any African that I know of. She should resign.

Now, let’s go back to Biden, at his December 24, 2022 afternoon teleprompter speech as he talks to the U.S.-Africa Business Forum.

“The United States is all in on Africa’s future,” Biden said. “…First, the United States is signing an historic memorandum of understanding with the new African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat.  This MOU will unlock new opportunities for trade and investment between our countries and bring Africa and the United States even closer than ever.”

“Now, you might be thinking this is a forum dedicated to deepening business ties and advancing two-way trade investments between Africa and the United States.  ‘Why is Biden talking so much about all these other areas?’ Well, it’s because Africa’s economic transition depends on good government, healthy populations, and reliable and affordable energy.  These things business seeks out when they’re looking to invest.  They attract new opportunities, and they launch new partnerships.”

Biden struggles with reading teleprompter

My notes of Biden lists:

• “good government” meaning a government, like Ukraine, that will play the Quid Pro Quo game (I’ll give you this for that).

• “healthy populations” meaning more Big Pharma, WHO, and Gates Foundation opportunities for profit and control.

“affordable energy” meaning laundering money back through NWO, WEF, and many entities involved in gaining profits from the CLIMATE CHANGE Industry. Think Al Gore, John Kerry & George Soros largest investment ever in European electric vehicles.

Also, think about why, during Biden’s term, America’s fleet of postal delivery, government vehicles and military transportation is moving rapidly in to electric forms of power.

Now, back to Biden’s teleprompter reading:

“We’re finally implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area,” he continued. “It will represent one of the largest free trade areas in the world, 1.3 billion people, and a continent-wide market totaling $3.4 trillion.”

“Today, I’m announcing that the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation is investing nearly $370 million in new projects: $100 million to increase the reliable clean energy for millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa; $20 million to provide financing for fertilizer to help smallholder farmers, particularly women farmers, increase the yields of their crops; $10 million to support small- and medium-sized — small- and medium-sized enterprises that help bring clean drinking water to communities all across the continent.”

Check out the following list of companies to notice how associates and friends of the Biden family and administration fit in. Also note his teleprompter reading slip: billion vs. million.

“So, today, I’m announcing a new initiative: the Digital Transformation with Africa.  Working with Congress to invest $350 billion [million] to facilitate more than almost half a billion dollars in financing to make sure more people across Africa can participate in the digital economy.”

“That includes partnerships like a new collaboration between Microsoft and Viasat to bring in Internet access to 5 million Africans, part of Microsoft’s commitment to bring access to 100 million people across Africa by the end of the year 2025.”

Cisco Systems and Cy- Cybastion, a diaspora-owned small business, is jointly announcing $800 million in new contracts to protect African countries from cyber threats. 

Visa is committing and putting more than $1 billion into Africa over the next five years to further expand the operations on the continent, including providing mobile payment services for more micro-, small-, and medium-sized businesses across Africa.

General Electric and Standard Bank will together provide $80 million to improve healthcare services and provide access to cutting-edge healthcare equipment.

More notes from me:  USAID started out with good intentions during the Kennedy Administration, but the President learned much about the nefarious power of the Military  Industry Complex before he was killed in 1963.

After the assassination and throughout the years, these foundations began reaching into such countries as Tanzania “where USAID dollars flows like a dam and corruption grew like wildfire,” one enlightened informer explained. “There is no transparency in USAID funds to Tanzania, but for decades USAID keeps the money flowing and the ruling party becomes addicted to foreign aid dollars.”

“They created USAID junkies there to derail, co-opt real development of the people by the people as was envisioned by President Nyerere. They should declassify ALL files on Tanzania!”

“What is USAID really funding in Africa. NOW the latest is USAID partnering with local media and via Gates of Africa introducing a National ID which is similar to the USAID DIIA app in Tanzania where the corrupt government is already selling this as a ‘new’ national ID!”

“The people of Tanzania did not ask for this ID,” he continued. “Samantha Powers is no friend of Africa. She should stay out of Africa as should USAID, Gates et al.”

Some responses to this topic are revealing:

Sound familiar?



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  1. How to kill America and fund the NWO undercover, making us out to be the world’s charity organization, run by criminals. And being exposed! JFK uncovered a lot, didn’t he; they had to stop him. He was a good man, in spite of h is besetting sin, which they have used to try to defame and disgrace him, while they do much worse things. Boomerang time is here. Actually, my first clue to
    Obama’s real purpose was his chosen public name, since his real name is Barry Soteros. And the fact that he would say anything anyone wanted to hear, and then go do precisely what he liked. No accountability whatsoever: yet.

    Liked by 2 people

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