Instead of Cardboard People, Dems Used Flags to Make Biden Inauguration Not Appear so Empty

🔼Plus, Rush Limbaugh’s Observations
🔼Thousands More Greet Trump In Florida Than Biden At Inaguration

According to the partisan “reporting” of mainstream media, they didn’t miss a beat trying to convince their audiences Joe Biden appears to be the most popular president in U.S. history.

These are flags, banners and porta-potties, not people at Biden Inauguration

After all, according to them and Dominion voting machines, their favored candidate won by more votes than anyone ever. Sadly for the media, most politicians, Big Tech, and Big Pharma, somewhere between two-thirds and three-quarters of Americans don’t believe them.

With the same vigorous attempts of legitimizing the lying they’ve practiced for too many years, the results remained the same: They are fraudsters, fakers and imposters, with about the same amount of legitimacy as the pseudo 2020 election results.

The reality is there were 250,000 patriotic Americans from the Ellipse of the White House South Lawn spreading past the Washington Monument just two weeks before.

Perhaps the most sparse crowd in a century showed up for Biden-Harris. 1/20/21

The Biden Inaguration team, with the same vigor of MLB trying to place cardboard people in their empty stadiums, were able to place over 120,000 US flags on the Mall just west of the 2,000 spectators in attendance for the “46th President’s” paltry event.

It’s possible Lady Gaga and Garth Brooks performed in front of the smallest live audience of their careers.

At least they didn’t have hula hoops spaced out on the Capitol lawn as was used at some of Biden’s rare and lackluster campaign gatherings.

We remember. While President Trump was setting rally attendance records, Biden or Kamala Harris could barely get a few hundred people max, including the media pretenders.

While the media found every way possible to make excuses for Biden’s sparse “crowd,” Donald J. Trump was being welcomed to Florida by tens of thousands of Americans.

“I think they know that this is something that’s been arranged rather than legitimately sought and won,” Rush Limbaugh observed on his national broadcast to over 26 million listeners. CBS, NBC, and ABC will get a fraction of that, combined.

“I’m almost of the mind that they know that there’s not a full-fledged legitimacy to this,” Limbaugh said. “But it doesn’t matter because they’re able to lie to themselves. They’re able to tell themselves stories. They really don’t have anybody there (at the inauguration) and they’ve got people replaced by 200,000 flags, 200,000 flags that have been placed on the Washington mall.”

American flags, instead of people, on the Washington Mall at the inauguration of President Joe Biden on Jan. 20, 2021. (Video screenshot).

“But what do you think the real truth is that they are not confident that if they open this thing up to open seating that they would be overflowing with a crowd?”

Biden Inaguration 2021

“I don’t think they think they would. I mean, nobody showed up at Joe Biden political rallies. Nobody showed up at any of the rallies of Kamala Harris. They have not throughout any of this demonstrated that they have a bond with the people that voted for them, like Trump had. They don’t have anything near that. They don’t have, I think, any assurance or confidence that if this were open to the public, that they’d set records for attendance.”

Biden 2021
Trump Inaguration 2017

“I do not live in the lie,” he imagined if he had to be one of the people on the stage watching Biden. “I do not live in the false impression just to make myself feel better about myself or about things. I may not go public with how I don’t accept it. But in the way I deal with myself, I do not allow myself to accept praise for things I haven’t done, things I haven’t accomplished.”

“Are Democrats lying to themselves about Joe Biden’s legitimacy as president?

“So I’m watching this, I’m watching all the people that are performing and all the people that are speaking and all the people just there observing and watching. And I know they’re going through a gamut of emotions. They’re excited as they can be that they have vanquished Trump. They’ve been trying for four years. Everything they tried bombed.”

“But you see this is where accepting false praise comes in. They didn’t really succeed,” Limbaugh continued. “I don’t think that the people on that stage today are genuinely the choice of a majority of Americans. Now, the results say they are, and they will tell themselves they are – and they will, thus, lie to themselves, something I will never do.”

Cardboard spectators.

“I just don’t. I can’t. I can’t lie to myself about praise for things I really didn’t do. They can. They’re doing it. This does not set them up well. This allows them to be arrogant; it allows them to be condescending, when those two things are not really warranted and deserved.”

“These are the kind of people that demand loyalty, and when it’s not there, they’ll take care of it another way. Because when you boil it all down, they really don’t expect loyalty. They demand it. And if you don’t exhibit it, they’ve got other ways of dealing with you.”

“As I say, they’re not interested in persuading anybody. It’s beneath them. They want the power to deal with you regardless. Now they think they’ve got it. And what I’m trying to say here is that that power they think they have, I believe it’s tenuous.”

“They can’t believe it. They have told everybody Biden was legitimate. That’s all you need to know,” he said.

“They are bummed that so many millions of Americans do not accept it. I’m telling you, folks, they think they took care of that, they think they have persuaded everybody. And the fact that two-thirds of Americans that didn’t vote for Biden do not think he’s legitimate, it bugs ’em, because it means that they’re not effective in one of their primary objectives here. It really bothers ’em.”


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  1. I didn’t watch the inauguration. I just couldn’t stomach it. But I did see partial clips of it on Rumble and what I saw of it was an embarrassment! Biden is a punchline! And I cannot believe that we’re allowing this to go unaccounted for! There has to be something that can be done to right this wrong! Is there? I mean, seriously…is there something that can be done or not?

    Liked by 3 people

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