Data in This South Dakota County Does Not Reconcile 2020 Election Ballots

 Sometimes it takes the ethics and patriotism of just one determined office holder to make a difference in election integrity.

Such is the case in Minnehaha County, South Dakota, where a purposeful auditor has confirmed what was long suspected.  Data from the 2020 election does not reconcile including 24,500 missing ballots. 

President Donald J. Trump beat Joe Biden with 61.77% of the South Dakota vote. However, in Minnehaha he won with only 53.34%, low by the standards of most counties.

“When I was elected and sworn in on March 6, 2023, I inherited an election system that was already purchased by the County and used in prior elections,” said Leah Anderson, Minnehaha County Auditor  in South Dakota, last week. “I soon realized the equipment and records were stored in multiple locations with less-than-ideal controls in place.  We have made progress in having secure storage but still have improvements to be made.”

As Anderson took a deeper dive, she found multiple issues, and “took it upon myself to investigate past elections and review the digital data stored by the County created by the ES&S tabulators and the election management system.”

Anderson has been a steady critic of Secretary of State Monae Johnson, who has not supported her or been helpful with legal questions, and that she hadn’t “been very supportive of the people.”


“Upon review of the cast vote record, which is the digital record created by the tabulators of each scanned paper ballot, a drastic difference in the vote percentages between in person and absentee voting was discovered,” she continued. “Upon a closer look, the pattern in the UOCAVA ballots was especially concerning.”

“An analysis of the 2020 audit logs revealed over 24,500 ballots that were not accounted for by the tabulators per review and analysis of the audit logs,” Anderson revealed.

“The official record lists 92,326 votes cast in Minnehaha County, but the audit logs can only account for 68,922 ballots,” she added. “As an auditor and accountant, this discrepancy is particularly alarming and needs further evaluation.”


After a certified review by a data analyst (that has reviewed cast vote records from all across the country)  “revealed disturbing evidence of irregularities and statistically improbable results that do not occur in random vote returns, or random voter behavior,” she noted.

Anderson said she was especially concerned that “along with the unreconcilable audit logs,” they used “an uncertified laptop with no up to data antivirus software.”

“Opposite to my opinion, public records requests for election records have been denied in my county, and statewide,” she elaborated.

“In upholding my oath to the Constitutions of the United States and the State of South Dakota, to protect and defend the civil liberties of those who elected me, I am calling upon the Secretary of State, the Governor, and the State Legislature to regard my concerns and come together to address this issue and find workable solutions.”

Of course, the local far-left media places a dishonest and extreme slant in their reporting.

In one 2023 headline of the Dakota Free Press, their wannabe reporter Cory Heidelberger, in a hit piece attempt chimed in with the headline:

Leah Anderson Hijacks Commission Agenda, Brings Conspirators to Push Manual Ballot Counts and Conspiracy Theories

He begins, “Election denier Leah Anderson used her new position as Minnehaha County auditor to turn a county commission meeting into an election-conspiracy rally…”

Here is a headline from The Dakota Scout:

Earlier in June, the Minnehaha County Auditor’s office were faced with the successful challenge of 165 absentee ballots because of residency questions. 

Anderson has announced a 100% hand count audit of the 2024 primary election.



Loralyn ‘Dodie’ & Jack Dennis

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  1. Thanks for this exposure of voting irregularities. While I always like to see voting irregularities brought into the right, it is even better when the Democrats take it in the shorts. On top of that, you gotta admit that having it happen in Minnehaha puts a cherry on it.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Excellent article!  Thanks for reporting truth.   The lying media like Kelo and Dakota NewsNow in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha county, SD, won’t even try to report the truth in this matter, nor will the independent newspapers. The people that listen and read their biased reports think there is no election fraud.  How does 24,000 missing ballots sound like the gold standard of elections, but those are the words coming out of the County Commissioners mouths.  Our group, SD Canvassing has been fighting and trying to expose this, along with so much more for 3 years.  Finally, through the words of this Patriot auditor, the truth is coming out. 

    Liked by 2 people

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